• Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    19 days ago

    i wanna be clear that i did not intend to imply that you're cishet. i just meant that my spouse is her dnd group's "token cishet." I'm so excited that my kids will be raised around our very lovely, queer, anticapitalist found family.

    • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
      19 days ago

      its all good I didnt take anything from that. I sorta forgot that the post didnt specify het and thought I was clarifying from the post.

      So cool to have kids get to be around that. My network of trans friends is online. Ive drifted from all irl friends at this point :/ but its still a nice support network.

      • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
        19 days ago

        ok, cool, just wanted to make sure i was respectful meow-hug

        yeah, my network of personal friends is also very online. i'm really grateful that my partner has found such a really excellent and cool found family in our actual city. two of our friends from the same group still have some of our stuff in their basement from when we moved like 9 months ago! friends really are what make living good.