I ask this in good faith, and I do not mean to bring about struggle sessions with this question (keep it civil, please :). I'm writing a sort of mini-essay on a certain topic (Edit: not anymore, I lost my writing appetite), and veganism fits into that topic (I'm keeping it vague because I'll probably post it here and I don't want to spoil the whole thing). If people are on the fence and others want to know more about what Veganism is and why they should consume in that way, I would be grateful if others more experienced and well-read on the subject could provide resources or counter-reasons. I feel like a lot of the things I believed before going vegan turned out to be misconceptions, and it doesn't hurt to be more educated on a subject, right?

Edit: I need to take a break from the internet again, if my brain wasn't fried already it is now (not anything any of you started, I brought this upon myself)

  • BasementParty [none/use name]
    3 days ago

    How exactly is poultry a grey area? Have you met birds before?

    I have, they are capable of feeling pain and possess reasonable intelligence. I just don't consider them sapient in a way that matters. If you cut off a chicken's head, it will still act like a chicken. This implies that most of what a chicken feels mentally is instinctual. If you cut off my head and I came into work the next day acting normal, it would raise serious questions about the nature of human consciousness. Poultry shouldn't suffer unnecessarily, but I doubt it has much sapience. Thus a gray area depending on how you judge their intelligence and your own morals.

    I hear what you're saying about oysters (even though I disagree)

    Vegans always say that but not a single person has ever responded to that point in my 6 years of making it. If you disagree, do what the vegans I've talked with failed to do and address it please.

    making the same case for fish/octopus

    You shouldn't eat octopus. Everything I said about poultry applies 3 fold to fish. Less capacity to feel pain and less sapience. I don't consider a creature that acts entirely on instinct to have any right to life.

    • carpoftruth [any, any]
      3 days ago

      If you cut off a chicken's head, it will still act like a chicken.

      This is literally the stupidest thing I've ever read on hexbear.
