Other than saying the obvious of adventurism is a fools errand and you dweebs shouldn't do it because it doesn't generate positive results - besides Abe lol, it's hypocrisy to the highest levels that the so-called communist party of the USA which has spent every moment of the past decade calling a Trump a vicious fascist dictator immediately follow the Biden campaign's lead in condemning violence against your fascist enemies.

A wet planet soaked in skunk spray has been dropped on me due to this statement of red-liberals and my morning is now ruined because of them. May the same happen to them and worse.

  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Have you considered saying nothing and then redoubling your attacks on the right? No? Instead we have to suck up to the right and whinge about civility? We don’t

    • grandepequeno [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Have you considered saying nothing and then redoubling your attacks on the right?

      That seems to me like the last paragraph of the statement.

      Instead we have to suck up to the right and whinge about civility?

      They didn't mention civility, they just implied that their conclusion is that political assassinations and terror tactics don't work in america, and it's hard to argue against that, because well, look one just failed. Even trotsky got this one right, like, you can disagree that they don't work but it's a bit infantile to make it about civility when it's about political utility

      EDIT: Also just so we're clear I'm not CPUSA, I just think this is a reasonable position to take when you're a real organization with people involved and not just dudes posting, like I said it's either this or nothing
