Other than saying the obvious of adventurism is a fools errand and you dweebs shouldn't do it because it doesn't generate positive results - besides Abe lol, it's hypocrisy to the highest levels that the so-called communist party of the USA which has spent every moment of the past decade calling a Trump a vicious fascist dictator immediately follow the Biden campaign's lead in condemning violence against your fascist enemies.

A wet planet soaked in skunk spray has been dropped on me due to this statement of red-liberals and my morning is now ruined because of them. May the same happen to them and worse.

  • mayo_cider [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Non-violent forms of protest are useless without the threat of violence

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      2 months ago

      I’d wager without the Black Panthers and Malcolm X, MLK would’ve been assassinated with no compromises or concessions given to anyone

      • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
        2 months ago

        I mean, after a certain point MLK and his crew were also strapped. They protested peacefully to martyr themselves for the spectacle, but they protected themselves otherwise.

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      Sorry that's fascism honey, you're no better than Trump who's a fascist if you do anything other than vote for biden!

          • mayo_cider [he/him]
            2 months ago

            sike! i had my fingers crossed

            I've killed most of my patients

            • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
              2 months ago

              kitty-cri-screm you CAN'T cross your fingers like that! Not after we PINKY PROMISED to do our best for our patients!

              • mayo_cider [he/him]
                2 months ago

                I'll keep my promise next time, I'll swear on my mom's grave if you vote for me just one more time

                  • mayo_cider [he/him]
                    2 months ago

                    Thanks to your support we finally got through the budget for sending leopards depleted uranium and nerve gas ammunition (the casings have a small stamped rainbow)

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    2 months ago

    kind-vladimir-ilyich The kind Lenin would have shoot Trump and everyone else on the rally, and it would have been cool and good

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      He would make Nicky 2's family farewell photo - with one hell of a flash - look like a family portrait compared to what he'd do to the rally

  • Tachanka [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    We need to come together and be absolutely united in the belief that random gun violence needs to be contained in churches and shopping malls and far away from powerful individuals. liberalism

  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Adventurism worked in Japan because everyone hates Korea and/our their leader carrying out a secret agenda of a cult. In the US, Trump is outed for being an Epstein associate and no one cares

  • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]M
    2 months ago

    It’s a very American thing to be awash in blood, but when extra-ordinary violence happens they are like pwease we are but simple peaceful people and democracy-loving men and women.

    • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Extra-ordinary? One old guy got a cut in his ear (and some random sap in the crowd got hit and died). This is extremely mundane, ordinary violence against rich white famous men which is why it’s such a big deal to the press. Every day America churns up bodies and tortures people to death, that is what is extra-ordinary and ignored

      • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
        2 months ago

        a candidate for president getting shot is not ordinary, stop being a contrarian

        Death to America

        • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
          2 months ago

          Either is 70 Palestinians being killed by a bomb when they are in tents in a “safe site”. My point is to be contrarian to make you realize how stupid and incoherent mainstream values are

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      They herd a significant portion of the lefts energy back into the bluemaga party or outright geld and defuse it

  • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    I kind of have to agree with these guys; our country's gotten very divided over the last decade and a half. I remember a time when the KKK could march peacefully in the streets and people didn't make such a fuss about it; where have those times gone? Now we can't even have some peaceful Charlottesville protesters chanting "the Jews will not replace us" without people trying to use it to deepen the divide in the country. I miss the days when I could have a civil chat with my neighbors about whether or not black people deserve to be in America or if they should all go back to Africa; now most likely someone would try and upset the peace by telling them to go back to Europe (or jump in the Nazi pit).

    Our country's gotten so divided.

    • 2Password2Remember [he/him]
      2 months ago

      yeah good ok. i don't want unity with fascists. i want them to die. division is the first step toward fixing this shithole

      Death to America

  • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    CPUSA could've contributed some ideas about the need for a vanguard party to guide revolutionary energy in a constructive direction. It's an idea completely missing from American political discourse, and it still would be because nobody would listen to them, but at least they might come across as an actual communist party.