so i've thought about getting a script as a sort of one-two punch. one, to save my thinning hair so it can still look cute. two, the side effects would be scary if they weren't basically just "ooops you transed yourself"

ohnoes oh noes... what ever will i do if i grow boobies and my body hair thins

but seriously, some of the side effects (depression) I thought were maybe from cis men getting gender dysphoria but seems even transfemmes have experienced it. at least reading some reddit posts

anyone had experience with this? i'm hoping it can be a sort of gateway to everything else. dip my toes in the hormone adjustments

and minoxidil has never seemed to work for me. i know i won't get my hair line back but i'm cool with that.

  • Babs [she/her]
    2 months ago

    I take it out of an abundance of paranoia (my levels are fine, but what if they suddenly aren't???) No weird side effects, likely no effects at all since my testosterone levels are super low, but all the men in my family are bald and I'm not taking any risks if I can avoid it. It's just another tiny pill I take before bed.