(i ripped this off wikipedia real fast so sorry if it's lib)

In October 1776, the Public Universal Friend contracted an epidemic disease and was bedridden and near death with a high fever. Their family summoned a doctor from Attleboro, six miles away, and neighbors kept up a death-watch at night. The fever broke after several days. The Friend later reported that [deadname redacted] had died, receiving revelations from God through two archangels who proclaimed there was "Room, Room, Room, in the many Mansions of eternal glory for Thee and for everyone". The Friend further said that [deadname redacted]'s soul had ascended to heaven and the body had been reanimated with a new spirit charged by God with preaching his word, that of the "Publick Universal Friend", describing that name in the words of Isaiah 62:2 as "a new name which the mouth of the Lord hath named".

From that time on, the Friend refused to answer to their deadname, ignoring or chastising those who insisted on using it. When visitors asked if it was the name of the person they were addressing, the Friend simply quoted Luke 23:3 ("thou sayest it").  Identifying as neither male nor female, the Friend asked not to be referred to with gendered pronouns. Followers respected these wishes; they referred only to "the Public Universal Friend" or short forms such as "the Friend" or "P.U.F.", and many avoided gender-specific pronouns even in private diaries. When someone asked if the Friend was male or female, the preacher replied "I am that I am", saying the same thing to a man who criticized the Friend's manner of dress (adding, in the latter case, "there is nothing indecent or improper in my dress or appearance; I am not accountable to mortals").

editorial note: I think this is a very cool story and I really love hearing it. We've been around forever and we've been doing variations of this forever. It's really beautiful

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  • ashinadash [she/her]
    3 hours ago

    How do I make my wrists stop hurting? They are sore, when I turn them, exert straight force on them or hold something with weight.

    • thirtymilliondeadfish [she/her]
      2 hours ago

      what have you done to them/what do you do with them?

      If you're using a phone or a keyboard too long that can fuck them up, if you're punching or impacting things that can fuck them up

      If it's acute, rest, ice, neutral position (no flexion/torsion) etc.
      If chronic, exercise/train them, be it mobility, strength or whatever.
      If concerned, don't take advice from internet strangers and talk with a GP or physio if you can.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        2 hours ago

        My gp gave me an xray req and nothing else so I'm in lol/lmao town on that one. Think I'd be talking to internet strangers if my gp did anything?

        I was actually lifting pretty consistently with like 5lbs weights but this has put pay to that for the moment. Idk what or how or when I did to them.

        • thirtymilliondeadfish [she/her]
          2 hours ago


          Is this a sudden/new pain? Can you attribute it to anything in particular? If you're relatively active/mobile already I'd probably just rest it for the time being, until you can get results back from the xray.

          It's hard to know (and worse to pretend to) without seeing it, whether it's muscle, bone, ligament etc.
          If you regularly use/move it though, and it's a new/sudden pain, yeah I'd just be resting it. If you don't regularly use/move them though, then you'd probably want to build it up but that doesn't sound like the issue in your case.

          I hope you can find some relief though?

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            2 hours ago

            I have had wrist pains on and off for a good while (hence talking to my doc) but no I don't think this is due to anything, unless 5lbs weights destroyed my wrists. I will try to rest em...

            Normally they are at least okay, but straight pressure has hurt for a year or two now. I was hoping I could build em up... I had my beautiful voidgoblin put a tensor bandage on the one that hurts the most which feels okay.

            • thirtymilliondeadfish [she/her]
              2 hours ago

              straight pressure smdh, the hets must be stopped

              Is this straight pressure when in tension, or compression? 5lb/2kg shouldn't be too much unless you're quite frail or immobile, or it's otherwise aggravating a longer-term injury. Were you doing specific wrist curls, or just arms more generally?

              If it's on a scale of years at this point, yeah get that X-ray to at least rule out anything/shed some light on what might be going on. You don't want to overwork an injury like that.

              Take 2 antiinflammatories and 1 beautiful voidgoblin along with lots of rest

              • ashinadash [she/her]
                2 hours ago

                FR FR soviet-huff

                Um neither? Like if I'm leaning on my arm and my body is putting weight directly down onto my arm, my wrist, my hand, that wrist feels like it's gonna fucking explode. I was only doing basic curls nothing specific...

                I will be getting the xrays, and thank you. I have been chugging anti-inflammatories =)

                • thirtymilliondeadfish [she/her]
                  2 hours ago

                  leaning, like with a straight arm/hand planted on something? Or leaning, like with a bent arm/elbow planted?

                  If the former, your hand is extended all the way back in that position, does it similarly hurt in that position when there's no weightbearing involved?
                  If the latter, uh idk that sounds atypical and bad probably :s

                  • ashinadash [she/her]
                    1 hour ago

                    Straight, thankfully my elbows are fine... my hand extended all the way back doesn't really hurt on its own, but putting weight even on a fist (hand not extended) hurts a lot.