I know Marx wrote that "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered" but he really failed to consider liberal cringe when he wrote that.
This gun will not only kill you, it will also humiliate you. Generations upon generations of your family will be ashamed to be related to an asshole killed by a Harry Potter gun. You partner will have to change their name to avoid publicity. Thousands of forty-year-olds who are "such a Ravenclaw" will flock to gawk at your house to see where "(s)he who should not be named lived".
If you die from this gun you'll go to a separate afterlife to spare the humiliation from everyone else
Like going to the Falun Gong segregated heaven but divided between muggles and potterheads
You get to execute Henry Kissinger but you have to use this gun, wyd
Definitely not at all psychotic to make your device designed for killing humans into a monument to the simplistic good vs evil parable for children that you continue to base your worldview on.
This is only going to get worse in the next few years with all the "skins" and crap that modern games (CoD) are based on