You've been punching criminals for decades now it's clearly not solving the problem.

You suck at stopping crime, Batman.

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    3 years ago

    "Batman is a Fascist" is, I think, an obvious but flawed reading of the character, because a lot of the plots that I remember have him played against overt Fascists as foils to him: he flirts with their ideology and is generally sympathetic towards their goals, but rejects their methods. That's right: he's a liberal. He supports violently keeping the downtrodden in their place and maintaining law and order with an iron fist, but also believes they should be kept alive and get idk non-refundable tax-credits for enrollment at Wayne Enterprises owned for-profit colleges if they have more than twenty thousand dollars of unpaid medical debt or some shit, and then the funds he gets from that will be split 50/50 between some charity vanity project and putting new wheels on his private super-car-tank, which he will then run over poor people with while joyriding around town. His ideology is more insidious than Fascism because it drops the warrior death cult shit for violence in the name of preserving the status quo and some half-assed social welfare to reduce proletarian tensions.