• Wertheimer [any]
    8 months ago

    The slogan debate infuriates me every time. It's the same people who thought "Black Lives Matter" was somehow alienating and exclusionary; that "all cops are bastards" is a dangerously broad generalization because sometime, somewhere a cop might have been polite to a passerby; that "we are the 99%" meant we had no specific goals . . . I wonder if they tut-tutted about "hey, hey, LBJ / how many kids did you kill today" because Lyndon Johnson never personally strangled a toddler.

  • teeforlove [they/them]
    8 months ago

    the slogan does nothing but invoke insecurity in the zionists. I saw someone post telling everyone using it to choose a better slogan, but there is no way the next slogan won't invoke the same pathetic insecurity and sense of rage in these people. these are the same genocidal freaks who thought that African revolutionary song meant they wanted to kill all the whites (I'm talking to you Voosh)

  • hotcouchguy [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Why can't we just all agree on a slogan that our opponents can't intentionally misinterpret? How difficult can that be?