Furry/scaly avatar? Smug.
1984? Invoked.
Pedophilia? Defended.
Yep, it's libertarian time 😎
LMAO Why is it always the rantsonas with the folded arms and single raised eyebrow?
other classic features are being a cool guy wearing a suit with a monocle and/or tophat
do rantsonas apply to fictional characters? like is bojack a common rantsona? or rick from rick and morty? i feel like they would be
That's true, people are arguing about some breadtube nonsense and I'm glad I know nothing about it.
It ain't breadtube, it's libertarian youtube which is 1000× worse trust me you don't want to watch that crap lol.
Rantsona is a term making fun of the fact that almost all chud channels have a mascot with folded arms and a raised eyebrow that they use as an avatar in their videos.
I know this type of thing is libertarian shit, I was referring to another thread about someone called Lindsay Ellis or something. Glad I don't know who she or any one else is lol. But I definitely will not watch libertarian YouTube, hellworld is enough as it is.
Normal people: Don't fuck kids
Libertarians: :wojak-nooo: :angery: :rage-cry: :frothingfash: :negative:
Libertarian's fursona: :big-cool: Have you considered 1984? checkmate, oppressor.
Um, aktuly its ephebophiliaPedophiles are cool and good and if you say otherwise then you're literally Big Brother.
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I think I've seen this before and it was just a satire of this brand of libertarian dork
you can't make fun of libertarians because any time you try to make a parody of them they do it unironically
When an opinion is conveyed by a 10 minute video that contains the word “f-e-m-i-n-a-z-i” in it and is being spoken by a drawn animal with no more than 5 poses you know it’s good
I can't with this. I refuse to believe this is a real video. It's too on the nose.