Oh, man. They're all pretty great. If you're just looking to kill, like, four fucking hours then check out the "Gulf State Vanity Projects" episode. Hindenburg was good, if you like 19th century failed aircraft. The Iowa Caucuses episode is great if you're near a politician and can just fucking deck one halfway through.
Just grab the latest and you won't go wrong. They're all fantastic.
I did get confused and thought the Killdozer episode was WTYP but it's actually Donoteat. That guy just sounds like Edit:
Rosthe guy it literally is, TIL.lol that's him on donoteat. The first few episodes of WTYP are on that channel too I think
Gulf State Vanity Projects, 9/11 (they literally talk about the world trade center's weird construction), V-22 Osprey, Atmospheric Railways, and The Loop are probably my top 5. Traffic Engineering and "It Snowed in Texas" are both great systems episodes but they're less funny and more angering. The bonus episodes are all good too and also very long videos, they did a four hour podcast on the history of beer.
Edit: how could I forget the Andrew Cuomo episode. Speculating on the potential corruption of several old Italian American men who have ties to construction firms from New York with the Ironweeds crew.
V-22 Ospreay is my go to, the wine tainting one is also very funny.
I liked the ones about the apartment buildings , Five-over Ones
God damn what a great episode, they've been pretty consistently funny but IMO they've never recaptured the high of the horse viscera bit.
The 9/11 episode and the hyper loop for gags. Grenfell tower for something more somber but still on the mark.
The Ustica disaster is good if you love a good old fashioned conspiracy theory episode, as they go through each one. In typical Operation Gladio-era fashion, they're all simultaneously true. Also a big fan of the Advanced Passenger Train episode because dunking on British engineering is a great pastime of mine.
Advanced Passenger Train
Episode 40: urban freight rain and industrial sprawl
spoilerAlice gets the high score for times she’s gotten to play the Soviet anthem :::
I liked the episode where she abused the shit out of her "the east is red" macro button to spite some landlords on Twitter.
V-22 Osprey obliterates itself in a fireball, atomizing a dozen marines
"Its still cool, it's still cool! It's a plane and a helicopter, it's still cool!"