• Orannis62 [ze/hir]
    10 months ago

    People here who like mecha anime should listen to Partizan and its sequel Palisade, which are explicitly communist mecha anime in podcast form

    Partizan is about how you awaken peoples' minds to the idea of revolution when capitalism and empire seems so ingrained and powerful that revolution seems completely impossible- how do you even get people to imagine it? And Palisade is about fighting one tiny corner of that revolution.

    Listen to the three minute intro of this episode for a small taste. And while we're at it, this episode is also a worldbuilding episode where they make a parody of Pod Save America set in their world and is very funny and could be a good, larger taste

    • Cromalin [she/her]
      10 months ago

      i wanna but i'm still making my way through counter/weight. i'm not really built for actual play podcasts but i love what i've heard

      also i love that interview. respect to ali for being an utena person, respect to the interviewer for saying turn a is obviously the best gundam, respect to austin for making his materialist view of the world clear in those responses

      • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
        10 months ago

        FATT is really a show where each subsequent season is better than the last, Austin and the players grow so much and they really figure out how to make it in such a way that it couldn't work as anything but actual play- the format really starts to justify itself more and more as they go. Partizan is wonderful and Palisade (so far) is probably just straight up my favorite piece of media.

        I listened in the order Partizan->Sangfielle->Twilight Mirage->Counter/weight->Marielda (current). And honestly, I had a lot of trouble getting through CW- if you really like CW, you're gonna REALLY like the later ones. Unfortunately, TM is incredibly long and also drags in a lot of places- it's the season that IMO is more fun to think about than listen to, but it is unfortunately pretty foundational for Palisade. But Partizan (and Sangfielle, for that matter) is designed to stand on its own as an entry point into the podcast.

        Oh btw you know that list the cast gives in that interview of media they want set in the Divine Cycle? Their Road To Palisade is just them going down that list making one-off worldbuilding games based on each entry (plus the first one to set the stage and Orbital, which was a donation incentive for an abortion fundraiser they did)

        • Cromalin [she/her]
          10 months ago

          yeah that's what i've heard but my brain won't let me listen out of order now that i've started c/w. i'm lucky i didn't commit myself to listening to every episode from the start in order

          also the stuff with the road to palisade sounds super cool, i'm excited to get there

          • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
            10 months ago

            How far are you into CW? And is the plan to go to TM next?

            • Cromalin [she/her]
              10 months ago

              like 12 episodes? i haven't listened in a while and i don't really remember. i might need to just start over now that i've reached a good stopping point in my non-currently updating podcasts (finished victory gundam with ggp)

              and my plan is to listen to the scifi seasons of fatt and then go back if i want to listen to other stuff later

    • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      That's a great interview. I was thinking about trying to get into FatT again with traveling for the holidays on the horizon. Probably going to just jump into Partizan instead of starting at the beginning like my last few attempts.

      • Orannis62 [ze/hir]
        10 months ago

        Yeah no FATT is my obsession but the early seasons are definitely much harder to get into. Partizan and Sangfielle are much better for getting into it. They're all pros by Partizan and they have the world and the themes all mapped out in a way that makes everything flow.

        The fact that, whatever the setting, those themes tend to be about the effects of imperialism on people and the land is what makes it really special though. Like Sangfielle- we've gotten kinda used to cosmic horror. But cosmic horror where the slow breakage of reality is explicitly caused by the scars empire left on the land is a twist on it that I've genuinely never seen.

        Sangfielle Setup

        "They wanted to fence it in. Rows of corn and cane, columns of people. Nations reduced to gardens. Is it any wonder the ground itself started to ache? See, the truth of the Heartland- the truth of the world- is that it cannot be fenced in."