Every game is now a job, you gotta log in daily and do your hours or else you get fomo. You can only do one or two battle pass games at a time, you will not find the time for three of them. The rewards you get from them suck too cause everyone else gets them as well. It sucks so much ass.

    • 5bicycles [he/him]
      3 years ago

      online gaming in general was a mistake

      Some of my best gaming memories are on DayZ (of all things) before it got popular, back when it was this niche thing among the already niche as fuck Arma community. Same for Minecraft, same for Sourceforts.

      What ruins multiplayer games is the fucking battlepass-ELO-ranked-MLG attitude. It's like a fucking cancer that spreads from products that have it to products that don't.

      Capital G gamers ruin everything they touch, including games.

      • theytakemeawayfrom [he/him]
        3 years ago

        everyone plays multiplayer games like they're going to be the next person to be signed to a pro team. fun? what's that?

        • 5bicycles [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Man, Arma 3 came out 7 years ago now, every two-bit gaming PC runs it as fine as it gets.

          The eternal problem with it is the milsim-morons who insist you call them sir, allthough that's nearly endearing in how endouring it is since OFP.-

          The new problem with the arma comunity is all those people who saw Sovietwomble / Max0r / Rimmy and think every OP is just 100% haha meme warcrimes. You can fend them off, but it's genuinely a challenge trying to find a community between full misim-call-a-14y/o-sir and epic anime shoot the civilian warcrime "memery" group

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      Miss my off-line multiplayer games.

      Shouting "stop looking at my screen" at my friends while I shoot at a guy on the other side of the map with my pistol was one of the happiest times of my life.

  • Shrek
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • deadtoddler420 [any]
      3 years ago

      They usually cost about 10 bucks and last a season (usually about three months). You can level them up to 100 usually, and get little rewards at each level (usually including enough in game currency to buy next seasons battle pass). They give you challenges to level it up, but generally these are time gated so you have to constantly be playing to get all the way through it.

    • deadtoddler420 [any]
      3 years ago

      You feel locked into it after a while lol. I've gotten every single battle pass in Apex Legends complete so far, but this season sucked ass so I've been struggling to finish it. But I can' just have the missing one, especially since the next one has the Arenas mode that looks fun coming out.

        • deadtoddler420 [any]
          3 years ago

          My girlfriend still really enjoys the game, so she's been finishing mine for me since she's had hers done for a while. But like when I went to play Siege for the first time in years I noticed it had one, and the thought of doing two of these filled me with dread lol.

          I am reaching that point though. It's still my gaming group's go-to shooter but unless Arenas is amazing, its getting to the point where we could swap to a new big shooter when a better one arrives.

            • deadtoddler420 [any]
              3 years ago

              I'm optimistic there'll be some good shit in a few years. Shooters are always really dry for the first few years of a new generation. Maybe Halo Infinite won't suck but I don't have high hopes for it.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      I gave up on Hearthstone as soon as I started M:tG Arena.

      And I don't even bother with Genshin Impact anymore, because I feel like I've missed too much to get back into it.

      Admittedly, a lot of this boils down to me not having the same amount of free time or number of friends who would play. No more big LAN parties, so no incentive to GIT GUD at any particular game or stay current on particular strategies.

      • BGDelirium [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Have you done the Arena equivalent of the battle pass? I don't have Arena but I love me some paper Magic.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          3 years ago

          I've only been playing Arena for a few months. You can use coins to buy your way into Limited games and win gems, so I'm curious to see if I can free-play a battle pass. But it's slow, I've staled out at Platinum tier, and I'm only now picking up the cards I need to be reliably competitive.

          I figure as my collection grows, that'll change. I'm a big fan of paper Magic, too, but I rarely have anyone to play with.

  • Terkrockerfeller [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I have no idea why I get em because I almost always already have the cosmetics I want and don't plan on changing them, so all the stuff I unlock is completely pointless

  • medium_adult_son [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It doesn't bother me to not finish them, but I only noticed them in that free SW battlefront game, Fortnite, CoD: Warzone, and Valorant. I always thought skins on guns were unnecessary, though. I appreciate the timed challenges that give extra EXP, sometimes I'll use a different class or play a different mode due to that, but it's probably a mechanic they use to keep me playing the game.

    I think battle passes, mystery boxes/chests/loot and anything else resembling gambling should be regulated. Sure, your game can have a battle pass, but it must last for 3 months and be at least as fair as what Fortnite does. Maybe limit the amount of games played required to earn the full thing, too, along with the price.

    These things, plus other shenanigans like CoD Warzone taking up an entire 250 GB ssd, seem designed to prevent folks from playing multiple games and it really grinds my gears.

  • PurrLure [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Attempting to fill out a battle pass daily was one of the reasons I stopped playing Genshin Impact.

    Well, that and they haven't added that new continent yet.