The Grateful Dead are the type of band that everyone at one point has had some encounter with, often without realizing. Their iconography is very popular and it's all-too-common to see people wearing Dead-related merch without having any interest in the music (this is fine, but it's definitely a common experience).

But what type of music did they play? What were they actually all about? Why did fanatics follow them from show-to-show en masse? Why do people like me have terabytes of bootlegs saved to their computers? Why does this even matter on a leftist forum? This is a brief post to give you an introduction to the band if you've ever had an interest in them, but never knew where to start or to take the plunge. I've also had a few convos here about the Dead and wanted a post to send ppl.

The Dead were formed in 1965 with Jerry Garcia (Guitar, Vocals), Bob Weir (Guitar, Vocals), Ron "Pigpen" McKernan (Organ, Vocals), Phil Lesh (Bass), and Bill Kreutzmann (Drums) - Mickey Hart would join as a second drummer two years later. Their origins were first as the house band for Ken Kesey's Acid Tests in San Francisco. LSD use was a primary interest of the members and there are numerous stories of the band spending hours under the influence in early practices (as well as certain shows). Their soundman, Owsley Stanley (known as "Bear") produced no less than 500 grams of LSD (amounting to a little more than five million doses) and funded the band with the proceeds.

The experimentation with LSD led the band to improvise a variety of new sounds and experiences with their concerts - of which they played over 2000. Their association with psychedelics and the San Francisco counter-cultural movement of the 60s made them popular to hippies, anarchists, communists, and general fuck-the-man audiences, but as a consequence, the band never achieved commercial popularity until the twilight of their 30-year career.

While improvisational music was popular in jazz groups throughout American history, the Dead were the first to really incorporate it into a widespread touring phenomen. The band eschewed proper set lists, often deciding what songs to play when on stage, and never playing a show the same way twice. For a band that had difficulty turning heads in the studio, they thrived in the live experience. In some eras, they could play the same "song" for thirty minutes and could easily weave in and out of different tracks.

In the late 60s and early 70s, the band played a host of benefits for charitable organizations. Notably, as you've seen from the header image, they played for the Black Panthers and other revolutionaries - far from an uncommon thing for the band. This willingness to put on shows like this greatly improved their popularity among the rebellious youth. This eclectic group of followers recognized that the band put on a different show every time and were willing to drop everything to go on tour, funding their travels through selling merch or other goods in the lots outside of shows. Eventually, people started taping shows. As Garcia said: "The shows are never the same, ever. When we're done with it, they can have it."

Okay well that's good and all - I can hear you say- but what about the music itself?

As previously covered, the Dead primarily can be categorized as an improvisational rock band. However, over the course of 30 years, they incorporated psychedelic, R&B, bluegrass, jazz, pop, and funk styles into their music. If you've heard a Dead song before and thought "this isn't for me," chances are it wasn't, but they have done something for you.

I can give you four places to choose where to start:

  • If psychedelia is more of your thing, Live/Dead is a quintessential psychedelic album designed to feel like a show experience. If you're a fan, move to the 1968-1970 era below.

  • The acoustic-driven American Beauty album is very popular and remains a classic in the roots rock genre. If you like what you hear, check the 1970-1971 era.

  • If you want to jump straight into live material, the compilation album, Europe 72 highlights the band's best moments from their 1972 European tour. If you dig this, start with the 1971-1974 era below.

  • I want to rock and roll and dance all night! Okay then, check out the Red Rocks 78 live album. If you like this, you'll be a fan of the 1975-1979 era.

While these are great introductions, to really appreciate the Dead you have to actually dig in to their live shows (which is easy in the internet era because every one of the shows recorded can be found online). Because the band evolved with different members and instruments over 30 years (only Garcia, Weir, Lesh, Kreutzmann and Hart remained constants - but even Hart briefly left the band for a few years), it's most easy to explain the Grateful Dead "sound" in terms of the individual eras.

All shows that were taped via soundboard or by an audience member are available on Lots of shows have been commercially released though, so you'll find some of the best (with great quality) on Spotify, Youtube, google music, etc.

1965-1968: Jugband Origins & Acid Tests

This era is raw and can be highly characterized as "jugband rock" as the band is literally playing with a lot of basic and/or borrowed gear. Sound quality in this era ranges too. Some shows will sound pristine while others will sound just totally ragged.

2/23/68 and 2/24/68 at the Kings Beach Bowl in Lake Tahoe are both great in playing and in sound quality. These shows were released commercially as Dick's Picks, Vol. 22.

9/2/68 the band shows up unannounced to the Sky River Rock Festival in Sultan, WA (known as the "West Coast Woodstock"). They play a scorcher. Archive.

1968-1970: Late '60s Psychedelia

The Live/Dead era when the band added notable square Tom Constanten on keyboards. If you're big into psychedelic shit, this is where you should start.

2/27/69 is where the bulk of Live/Dead comes from. Give yourself the real experience.

4/17/69 the band performs for Wash U students in the middle of a torrential downpour. They slay everything and perform one of their first "sandwiches" of a song.

1970-1971: Country and Folk-Influence

If you chose American Beauty above, you'll feel right at home as the Dead suddenly throw out the bulk of their psychedelic material, opting for a more rootsier approach. Shows in this era often have one full acoustic set before they break out the amps. Tom Constanten had departed at this point and would be replaced with Keith Godchaux on piano at the end of 1971. At the start of this era, the band was arrested while on tour with New Orleans, with Bear ultimately taking the fall. As a result, you have the song Truckin' but importantly for us there is slim pickings in '70 with the quality of recordings, as most 60s recordings survive because Bear recorded the soundboard on stage.

You'll want 5/1/70 and 5/2/70 for that acoustic experience. Both are great shows, the latter is more popular among heads but I'm more partial to 5/1.

5/15/70 is also good but a pain in the ass to listen to. If you really want drop a comment and I'll write up a how-to.

1971-1974: Exploratory Folk Jazz

"Yo what if we played that country rock stuff and the psychedelic stuff at the same time" = this era. And it's damn good. A lot of heads' favorite shows are from this period, mine included. You might be here if you liked E72. The Godchauxs - Keith (piano) and Donna (vocals) joined here. Pigpen would depart midway thru 72 due to alcohol-induced illnesses. Hart was also absent for the majority of this era (check the song He's Gone).

5/3/72 is the best show of the European tour, heavily mined for the compilation album. Happy anniversary!

9/27/72 is my pick for best show of the year. Some incredible moments across the board.

8/6/74 if you want the Wall of Sound era. My favorite show to trip acid to.

1975-1979: The Rock and Roll Era

"Gee guys it's really tiring playing the same song for thirty minutes and lugging around a mountain's worth of gear to every show, maybe we should tighten it up?"

Tighten it up they did. Starting from the album release party on 8/13/75 to the last great Godchaux show on 1/10/79 the Dead put together some of the most consistently epic shows in their history.

My personal favorite show of all time is 12/30/77 and 2/3/78 is a close second.

Unfortunately, this era is when certain members of the band began eschewing psychedelics for other hard drugs (heroin), which led to a dramatically different feel in the next decade.

I cover the 80s/90s in the comments due to character restrictions (so much for "BRIEF" LMAO).

  • joseph [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    1979-1986: Rise of Synthesizer and Brent Mydland

    The Godchauxs left in early 79 due to a mutual agreement and were replaced by synthesizer-and-organ-wielding Brent Mydland. The band took a new direction and embraced 80s electronic sounds to their hearts content. There's also the addition of Brent songs which kind of have to grow on you. Some like it, some don't. This is an era I visit rarely. It came to an abrupt end when Jerry went into a diabetic coma in the Summer of 86. He recovered, but some say things were never the same.

    During 1980, the band briefly revived acoustic sets. A personal favorite is the 10/31/80 Halloween show.

    10/10/82 is a great show for Bob in particular, who reminds everyone to "Vote yes on 12 if you can vote." Maybe a :LIB: but it was a nuclear non-proliferation measure. Nice cause for a band that rarely made political statements from the stage.

    1987-1990: Downhill From Here

    The band remained inconsistent in the late 80s, but Jerry came around after his coma and delivered some memorable shows. During this era, they finally released Touch Of Grey on an album. To this day, this song remains the dead's most recognizable and iconic song. It's funny, because they'd been playing it since 1982 (and it even shows up on an earlier recommendation in this list).

    8/12/87 is the best Red Rocks show during the band's final run in Morrison, as the Dead's nascent commercial success made them outgrow the venue.

    7/4/89 is a great 4th of July show with (of course) the US Blues encore. I'm a big fan of Bob's take on All Along The Watchtower here.

    7/17/89 is noted by many heads as being the last incredible show. "Yah brah that show last night was great!" "Alpine great?" "Nah..."

    1990-1995: The End of the Road

    Brent's alcoholism - like Pig's - ultimately took its toll. When he died in 1990 you could see it make a major impact on the band. I often do not recommend shows from this era because despite great individual moments, there are a lot of forgettable moments mixed in.

    The Grateful Dead ended for good when Jerry died in the summer of 1995, but the remaining members continue to perform live. Dead and Company is still one of the highest grossing acts every year.

    Anyways, hope you enjoyed this guide. Let me know if you like what you listened to or if you have any q's about Dead history or music. I'm all ears.

    • joseph [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      It's a double edged sword right? The material and lore behind this band is so much fun to sift through but at the same time it's impossible to know where to start.

      If you really liked E72 I'd recommend hunting around for shows in that year. 5/3 and 9/27 are classics, but there's a bunch of great official releases from that year you can check out. Veneta 8/27/72 is oft recommended and is on Spotify. As is the entire European tour from that year.

  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I've listened to a few of their songs here and there, but probably wouldn't be able to recognize them if I hear them. Interestingly the first time I heard the name it was in a Stephen King novel and I thought it's a made up band

    • joseph [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      There's a lot of offhanded references to them in pop culture. Once you know what to look for they tend to jump out at you. There's a KOTH episode called "Livin on Reds, Vitamin C, and Propane" (a nod to Truckin') and an MST3K bit.

  • YourBestComrade [he/him,none/use name]
    3 years ago

    The Grateful Dead :thinky-felix:

    You mean the le JOJO stand :matt:

    but seriously this was a extremely interesting read, I hope to see some more of this is the favorite

    • joseph [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      I've seen Dead and Co a bunch too! Whenever they're less than a days drive away haha. Can't believe I'm saying this but Mayer impressed the hell out of me. Check 7/14/18 and 6/30/18 for some great shit.

      As far as the 70s man yeah I agree. I didn't even get to touch on some personal faves like 11/14/71 (one continuous second set), 4/14/72 (E72 no. 2), 11/18/73 (beautiful stuff), and 5/22/77 (best may 77). I'm currently working my way through everything chronologically and can't wait to find some more hidden gems.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    This is really, really great. Thank you very much for putting this all together. I had a vague familiarity with the Grateful Dead since high school in the late 90s, when a lot of kids at my school wore Grateful Dead shirts or had bear stickers on their car but I'm not sure how into them they all were. I've thought about giving them a listen at times over the years but never knew where to start. So today I'm gonna jump in on Live/Dead this morning and just go from there.

    Do we know anything else about the band's political leanings?

    • joseph [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      The band didn't like to make political pronouncements themselves from stage, they preferred to let the music do the talking. There are a bunch of anti cop lyrics (The Other One, Truckin'), a song about how the US's heyday has come and gone (US Blues), and a bunch of songs about the psychedelic experience (China Cat Sunflower).

      During the late 80s bob started singing a song that kind of both sideses the Cold War (Throwing Stones) but after the USSR fell they reworked the lyrics for the song to primarily be an anthem against US imperialism.

      Jerry Garcia notably didn't like to vote - believing that it didn't really do shit. The band as a whole wanted their shows to be for everyone that society forgot about.

    • Phish [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      It can be tough to nail down their politics. Their two largest-contributing lyricists weren't even in the band, they have a diverse group of members, and they spanned several decades.

      Jerry's whole thing was freedom from authority. Believe it or not he was actually in the Army very briefly. They basically kicked him out because he was a shitty soldier. He never liked telling fans or crew what to do. He was more into spirituality than politics (he even said the social/political stuff was the least interesting part of the late 60s to him). I remember reading an interview from the late 80s or early 90s where they asked him if he thought there were Republican fans because of Reagan. He said something like "are there any Democrats worth voting for? I don't vote." I think he found America complicated. Both beautiful and terrible. But I know he didn't like American politicians.

      The band kind of held that view as a unit. I'm sure they had varying degrees of political leanings individually, but by and large they did their best not to take any stands. I think Bob Weir and Phil Lesh have probably verged slightly more lib in their old age. I think a lot of the old folks from that generation and culture have at this point.

      • joseph [he/him, they/them]
        3 years ago

        Great rundown, only extra thing I add is that Kreutzmann in particular has always been very vocal about drug legalization (weed and psychedelics). He's usually the member of the band that shows up on drug-related documentaries to talk about his experiences and advocate decriminalization. But yeah they tended not to make big proclamations from the stage. I've heard people describe the OG lot culture in libertarian socialist terms, but I wasn't around for that time and can't confirm. I think Garcia in particular vibes with the content of US Blues as far as his take on the US goes. Bob and Phil definitely have been more willing to tell people to :vote: at Dead & Co/Terrapin Family Band shows since Jer's passing.

    • joseph [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      Yeah the Dead's studio stuff is hit or miss. It doesn't help that a lot of their more catchier tunes were never given proper studio treatment (thanks to laziness and record company contract bs). Other than American Beauty and Blues for Allah, I tend to only listen to their live stuff at this point. Can't remember if it was Jerry or Bob but one of them said something like "We are live musicians first and foremost."

  • Phish [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    Great write up! The Dead has a very interesting history as a band, especially when you tie in the counterculture/psychedelic drug stuff. Even I have mixed opinions on what all that really means. I've been a fan for most of my life, and I go to a handful of jam shows every year (mostly Phish, some dead-adjacent), but Jerry died when I was still too young to see him play live. I used to think that my generation was co-opting the whole hippie thing and sort of bastardizing it. Like we didn't "get it". Over the years, after learning more about the history of the subculture and also things like MKULTRA, it's occurred to me that I was probably wrong about that. Nobody ever really got it. It's equal parts people believing in social activism, people there to party, and people just trying to fit in. But the best fans are the ones that just like the damn band. I've since grown out of the "hippie" thing but I'll never grow out of the grateful dead or phish.

  • discontinuuity [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I used to work at a store where the owner made us play the XM "Jam Band" station and heard a fair bit of the Dead, but never really cared for it at the time. Maybe it's just bad memories of working retail. Some of the bluegrass-y stuff was fun and I'm really into King Gizzard right now, so I'm not adverse to jam bands per se. But I hated at least half of the bands on that station, especially Phish.

        • joseph [he/him, they/them]
          3 years ago

          Is ok, I like some songs - I've always been a big fan of Fee and the jams they do in Tweezer.. Im just not as big on the lyrical content or tones compared to the dead. Mad respect for Trey's talent tho.

          • Phish [he/him, any]
            3 years ago

            Haha they're definitely not for everyone. I tell people it's easier to go from Phish to the Dead than the other way around. And the Dead have much better lyrics, there's no denying that. I think they're both products of their generation. The Dead grew up loving beat poets and occupying that whole counter-culture psychedelic introspection space. Phish came up in the 80s and 90s when it was lame to take yourself as seriously as the Dead did. Their early lyrical content reflects that.

            I'm happy to have both bands, but Phish's energy can be a bit jarring for Deadheads.

            This track usually does well with Dead fans who don't like Phish as much. It's definitely my favorite version of the song, maybe you'll enjoy it.

            • joseph [he/him, they/them]
              3 years ago

              Musically, the mid part around 5 min in sounds a lot like The Eleven! Thank you for sharing I've added this to my 2021 playlist it's a lot of fun. I was planning on actually going to a Phish show in '20 before the COVID hit. Hopefully I'll be able to make it out in the future. Even if it's not necessarily my cup of tea I want to experience it at least one.

              Have you ever listened to the String Cheese Incident?

              • Phish [he/him, any]
                3 years ago

                Happy to share! Definitely one of my favorite peaks from the 90s.

                Phish show will definitely be worth the experience. You get a similar feeling of community experience that you get at Dead related shows. I'm sure it will be a little weird at first after COVID but if any group can adjust quickly it's jam fans. At this point I'm just dying to see a live show.

                I got into SCI around 2003. I saw them a bunch back then, especially when Phish was broken up from 2005-2009. I kind of fell of around then when they started incorporating the electronic stuff which wasn't my favorite. I still think Kang shreds that electric mandolin though!

  • acealeam [he/him]
    3 years ago

    only Garcia, Weir, Lesh, Kreutzmann and Hart remained constants

    how many members did they usually have at one time?

    • joseph [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago


      65-66: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan

      67-69: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Mickey Hart

      69-70: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Mickey Hart, Tom Constanten

      70-71 Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan

      1971: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Keith Godchaux

      1972: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Keith Godchaux, Donna Jean Godchaux

      72-74: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Keith Godchaux, Donna Jean Godchaux

      75-79: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Mickey Hart, Keith Godchaux, Donna Jean Godchaux

      79-90: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Mickey Hart, Brent Mydland

      90-95: Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, Mickey Hart, Vince Welnick, Bruce Hornsby (regular guest)

      So in most years, 6 members. Usually two drummers. Always Jerry/Bob/Lesh on the guitars/bass.

  • PaulSmackage [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I remember downloading their 88' MSG run years ago. Listened to it over and over when i was in the mood. Great, now i have 80s jerry garcia guitar noodling stuck in my head.