• Rem [she/her]
      3 years ago

      While the professor and his closest circle of friends descended into the pursuit of romantic relationships, drink, movies and Western literature as a release from the hardships of the time, Xi Jinping, by contrast “chose to survive by becoming redder than the red.”

      While you were having pre-marital sex, I studied the Mao :xi-gun:

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        3 years ago

        His study of the shaolin arts taught him a special trick or two ...



    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I mean, he's cracked down on some of the liberal left-wing more than I'd like, his dad was kind of a Lib and his siblings are capitalist assholes, but Xi seems to have avoided that pretty well and he's clearly competent and ideologically committed to Socialism.

      I'm cautiously optimistic, provided he doesn't lean on the Princelings or the Nationalists/Neo-Confucians too much and continues his "accumulate using corps, then nationalise" plan.

      • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Guy's gonna be dead within one or two decades. Optimism for China's future must come from its system and world relations, not one dude. Not that you were saying that (you said mostly the opposite).

        • Mardoniush [she/her]
          3 years ago

          Absolutely. Material conditions underly everything. And the masses dictate the options of their leaders

          But sometimes I feel we forget the first part of "Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please".

          We have meaningful individual and collective agency, and even "great men" still exist, even if they nudge history onto one of a limited set of options, rather than drive history forwards.

          What Xi does matters, even if he camt flip a switch and declare FALGSC.

  • Gkalaitza [he/him]
    3 years ago

    People forget about Xi's youth when trying to judge his positions and ideology or if he is a TRUE COMMUNIST or whatever. No matter if he can keep things going in the right direction in China he has done more mass work with poor communities than probably this entire site combined

    Man was ordered to go to some small rural villages in the middle of nowhere in 1969, when he was 15, as part of Mao Zedong’s “Up to the Mountain and Down to the Countryside Movement”, which saw educated city youth deployed to rural areas to do party work and he spent seven years hauling grain, helping with everyday issues in the villages, sleeping in cave homes on flea-bitten brick beds and taking notes every day implementing the mass line. He was cycling every other day over the hills or rural china with a shitty ass bike and his notes to attent all the villages he was asigned to do work in. He was later among the ones rewarded for how well he did ,how much he helped the village and how well he implemented the mass line while tons of teens were just dissillusioned with communism and being one with the people and were just lying in their reports and doing nothing.

    I once stated that a County Party Secretary should visit all the villages in the county, a municipal or Prefectural Party Secretary should visit all the districts and townships in the city, and a Provincial Party Secretary should visit all the counties and cities in the province. I did . When I served in Zhengding, I visited all the villages under Zhengding by bike. And when I served as Party Secretary of Fuzhou and Ningde, I traveled to all townships under them. At that time, although there were four towns in Ningde with no access to road transportation, I visited three among them. There was a town named Xiadang, which for me to get to I had to cut my way through brambles and thistles and travel over mountains and rivers. The Party Secretary of the town led the way for us and cut weeds in our way with a chopper. He said this way was the nearest one, along the river. The civilians welcomed us with barrels of cold drinks made of local herbs

    When I was Party Secretary of Zhejiang Province, I put forward the strategy of “making full use of eight advantages and implementing eight major measures” for the development of Zhejiang after visiting all the counties, cities, and districts in the province. What does that mean? That means we must have a thorough understanding of the situation and grasp first-hand information. Do not merely wait for someone to collect information for you. We are not infants who need to be fed by others. Nowadays, the means to understand a situation are becoming more and more diversified, including telephone, Weibo, and WeChat. They are all very effective. Thus, we have a better approach to mass work.

    Attitude and emotion support us in performing mass work, and ways and methods are the key to success. If one uses the wrong method, one will obtain a negative result despite a positive attitude. “Cannot cheat” shows that an official should be willing to get his hands dirty and be mindful of the slightest detail as well as advocate openness, fairness, and justice to the greatest extent possible.... ....I was inquiring after the villagers’ living conditions, felt the thickness of their quilts by touch and learned about their dietary conditions. This was the state of “cannot cheat”. When i lived and worked in the rural area of northern Shaanxi Province, i performed all types of hard labor and bore all sorts of hardships—farming, hauling a coal cart, building dykes, and carrying manure. Organizing projects like reinforcing the riverbank to prevent erosion, organizing a cooperative of blacksmiths to make farming tools, and building a methane tank for gathering cooking gas. While working in Zhengding, i tried to rectify the financial problems in the rural area and cracked down heavily on economic crimes. At one point, i and other senior officials in Fuzhou met with more than 700 petitioners in 2 days and solved many of their problems on the spot or set a time limit to find solutions. When i was heading the administration of Zhejiang Province, we attached importance to pollution prevention and controls to ensure environmental safety. This is the so-called “dare not to cheat"

  • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Whatever you think about China, it at least seems possible for an actual communist to come to power and steer things in the right direction. How many countries have that as a realistic possibility?

  • pluggd [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Best Xi is smling Xi with Evo. Hilarious when you contrast it with the poker face in offical photos with other leaders.

    • opposide [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Imagine how boring it must be to meet with the same fucking neolib drones all of the time. Makes sense he smiles with Evo

      • pluggd [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Imagine how boring it must be to meet with the same fucking neolib drones all of the time.

        especially when you know exactly how they're trying to sabotage you and your politics. Must be a relief to meet a committed fellow revolutionary, like that venezuelan pol described Xi recently.

    • ferristriangle [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Wow, that's an intense level of sinophobic bullshit you've cultivated there.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      It might surprise you to learn plenty of them were moral reformers who only seized power with the best of intentions, just like Xi.

      • Democratically elected Committee Chairman with overwhelming national support from the proletariat, the bureaucracy, and the party

      • Some guy with a dozen heavily armed friends, harassing local communities under the guise of reform

      I literally can't tell them apart

    • honeynut
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

        • RedDawn [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Mandate of Heaven

          Tell me you actually know nothing about China and resort to orientalist bullshit to explain it without telling me

        • HarryLime [any]
          3 years ago

          ut Xi seems to have crushed all opposition and sewed up his emperorship for now. Things are going well, so he has the Mandate of Heaven on his side.

          Really helps your case when you pepper your criticism with racist cliches

        • honeynut
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator