Mods, thoughts?
/b/'s "pissing in an ocean of piss" strategy is only good if you want to live in an ocean of piss.
So don't do that.
"We will kill one of them for every ten of us they kill, and they will get tired of this war before we do."
they're not reading posts anymore so probably will only trigger the few of us who are awake
sorry, I've been trying to bait them for a couple of hours and they stopped biting after a few rounds
Bots are coming into the comment killing fields. Now's our chance
There's only so much furry porn and copypasta you can see on main before you get the urge to go into camera and find Palestine dot jaypeg
The mods aren't even banning them anymore, are they just all asleep?
The thing is, Quill doesn’t even run things. They stepped down and got demodded. The wreckers just have a hate boner at this point.