This is actually due to a unique quirk of the French language. In French, the term "secular" is used to mean "violently racist and bigoted towards non-christians."
I hate Christianity when Jesus is white, I hate Judaism when it involves Palestine, I don't hate islam.
"they were asking for it" was certainly not the take I was suspecting to pop up
I see before me two street, mlk and malcom x. Miss me with that mlk shit, kill whitey!
But critical support for those that did shoot up the Charlie hebdo office. Not sorry.
No. No amount of insult would excuse that.
Charlie Hebdo shouldn't exist, but that is just senseless violence.
white man: calls black man the nword
Black man: kills white man
white people: :shocked-pikachu:
Starting to think those hacks had it coming...
I really hope someone does that thing to their office again.