This is the legacy of a country that never denazified, but still falls in line with Western hegemony regarding the imperialist project of Israel. They have found a new victim to foist their racist paranoia unto and simultaneously use the widespread opposition among Muslims and Arabs to Israel (a state that ethnically cleanses and exterminates them) as means to justify their extermination because their opposition to the Israel is systemically and legally classified as antisemitic.
This is the obvious consequence of labeling valid criticism of Israel as rote antisemitism is fueling anti-Muslim villainization and hysteria. If you oppose Arab extermination and ethnic cleansing, you are antisemitic. And if you're antisemitic you deserve extermination.
Germans will never be the hero for any story it seems.
They always end up on the wrong side of history.
did it not murdered rome ,
did it not broke the cathlolic hegemony ,
did it not liberated the Writen Word
did it not wrote the Theory ,
did it not send Lenin ?
did it not broke the Power of Colonieser Empires ?
-- yeah but it did so for the wrong reasons , silly --
deleted by creator
Realistically no one is going to be able to touch the British and later the Americans, but the old world Catholics sure made a brave effort.