The "leftcom position", more accurately the communist position, unchanged over 180 years, can be understood by reading this party text.

If you have any questions about it, I will try to answer.

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    3 years ago

    I'll read this and get back to you. In the mean time, what do you think separates leftcoms from other leftists (and I'm speaking broadly here) when it comes to organizing?

    Like, I've seen anarchists form mutual aid groups that have helped a lot of people especially during this pandemic. This is stemming from their belief in dual-power structures and social revolution. Marxists/Leninists have their party structures through which they organize labor strikes and elections in many countries especially in the Global South. Maoists fight guerilla wars. These two representing their Vanguard Party and People's War beliefs respectively. DSA is of course very popular in America and tries entryism among other things.

    So, what do Leftcoms see as the path to communism, especially right now?

    • whygodwhy [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      So, what do Leftcoms see as the path to communism, especially right now?

      The dictatorship of the proletariat led by the class party. Same as always.

      The above linked text explains the position of "What is to be done?" in the modern context where there is a weak labour movement and/or a theoretically correct class party is weak/non-existent, but opportunist/bourgeois parties are strong.