• JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    say what you will about :reddit-logo: sometimes it produces some fuckin funny ass content like this lol

    • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
      3 years ago

      There was a hilarious post on r/relationships the other day with a woman posting about how her brother in law’s girlfriend says rude things to her because she’s wealthy.

      Some of the comments when I sorted by controversial were actually calling her out like well you probably are privileged, eat the rich, etc. And one of her replies defending herself was something like “I truly understand my privilege but my current wealth is something I earned on my own. I received no help from my parents outside of paying for college.”

      • MiraculousMM [he/him, any]
        3 years ago

        no help from my parents outside of paying for college.

        :michael-laugh: :michael-laugh: :michael-laugh:

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        3 years ago

        One of the best ways to made these "self-made" capitalists and all the right-wing business fetishists absolutely furious is to calmly suggest that luck and circumstance played a part in them getting rich. No condemnations, no detailed Marxist analysis, just something like "just because you were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time...".

      • HntrKllr [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Look I'm self made! I did all my chores at home so I could be sent to the best elementary/highschool/university in my state and after I had to pick myself up by my boostraps to climb daddies company!