I want to do full acceleration speedrun. Fuck the poor, tax the shit out of them, let the capitalists runs wild, did zero bandaid reforms, put zero money into public service. Just create the most radical populace on the planet hell bent on going full communist.
Gonna reconquer a whole lot of land as a newly-revitalized Sassanid Persian Empire, do what you said (with the added bonus of building up productive forces), and then create a middle eastern USSR.
beats me. I just liked doing communist revolutions in vicky 2 and also it was really hard.
well, the one that was the most vocally against the Vietnam War did get killed, so maybe not totally co-opted
pretty sure they were always just vauge "liberal-leftists" who wanted to only drop acid and get everyone to mellow out like the rest of the hippie movement.
British millionaires weren't well-versed in Mao Zedong thought? Who knew
I liked that screenshot showing different classes being for and against certain bills. Back in Victoria 2, politics was pretty much "what political party are you a part of", decided by random chance or scripted events. Sometimes you want to pass reforms but the working class just really hate the idea of a minimum wage, and you had to pull stupid bullshit to piss off workers and convince them to support you
The strategy I always used was to start a forever war with a country the citizens have never heard of (often Afghanistan, for historical accuracy) and after a decade or two the war exhaustion will radicalize people into enacting whatever policies you want