• Infamousblt [any]
      7 个月前

      I do think that they aren't necessarily wrong about that though. The stakes are higher every election because every election we march closer to fascism.

      The issue is that they think voting for the less obvious fascist over the more obvious fascist is somehow going to stop fascism. They don't understand why it keeps getting worse, so they keep proposing the wrong solution. Then it does get worse, and they think that their solution just needs to be implemented MORE and maybe THIS time it won't get worse, and the cycle continues forever.

      So yes the stakes are higher than ever. But voting for the blue fascist over the red fascist isn't the solution. In fact even proposing that solution at all is the reason the stakes keep getting higher. It's a crisis of their own design and they're too treat addled to see it

        • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
          7 个月前

          I don't think we'll see ANY mass movement until the temporarily-embarrassed settlers are getting attacked just as hard as subjects-of-empire have been for the past hundred years tbh.

  • ToxicDivinity [comrade/them]
    7 个月前

    "Vote for the guy who will continue our shitty system instead of the guy who might implode our shitty system"

    • WholeEnchilada [he/him]
      7 个月前

      Your interpretation sounds pro-Trump in a way that agrees with everyone. The Trump supporters think the system is shitty. The people who don’t support Trump think the system is shitty. This woman must know something…

      • ToxicDivinity [comrade/them]
        7 个月前

        Yeah was kinda trying to say "vote for the status quo" isn't the winning motto they think it is