I fucking hate Biden/kamala. I get the argument some have made that Biden is more manageable to work with and push or try to atleast, push leftist policies. But honestly I don’t see how he’s ever going to defund the police, or implement M4A.

I really don’t know what to do. I’d rather vote Green Party. I can’t wrap my doomer head around this shit

  • femboi [they/them, she/her]
    4 years ago

    Remember that

    1 If you don’t live in a swing state then your vote has no value so you can vote third-party guilt-free

    2 Even if you do live in a swing state, voting is literally the least you can do for a political ideology. If you are volunteering for local orgs, building class consciousness, etc, then that is 1000x more important then who you vote for. If you think harm reduction is important, you can vote for Biden, knowing that even if you’re wrong, you’re still doing more good than harm. Similarly if you think voting third party to pressure the DNC is more important, you can do that too without worrying because even if that was the ‘wrong’ decision, it’s still balanced out by all of the good you’re doing.

    Stay strong comrade 💖

      • femboi [they/them, she/her]
        4 years ago

        Just remember that voting doesn’t define you, as long as you help people irl through volunteering and stuff you’re doing good :)

        And ofc if you can’t volunteer b/c of finances or other personal factors that’s ok too