They had an assembly where two cops came to talk about how cool and normal and good having a school resource officer is, and they pantomimed eating each other's boots until they got kicked out. The Principal is extremely mad that I laughed until I started crying—when he told me that part of the reason for the suspension was for breaking the rules by refusing to take off their outdoor footwear.

I feel like a fuckup of a parent a lot of the time, but I guess we did something right.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I love "suspension" as a punishment. oh no, making you not come to school

    • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      oh no we are being forced to play genshin impact nooooooooo

      edit: one of them just pulled a 5 star of the hot knight teacher lady, and they're all freaking the heck out on Discord.

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      3 years ago

      When I was in high school they had a really cool and fun way of making it an actual punishment when I leaked the wifi password. I had 3 tests the week I was suspended and gave me 0s on all of them. Eventually my parents showed up at the offices enough that they decided it wasn't fair and let me take the tests.

    • ToastGhost [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Suspension as a punishment relies on the assumption that the parent agrees with the school, its basically a blank check for the parents to do a more harsh or unusual punishment that the school legally couldnt. It doesnt work when your parents are based tho.

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Remember when people thought the world was going to end because the Mayan calendar ended in 2012?

        Really, they were just predicting the release of Rampart

      • Nagarjuna [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I have so much respect for Woodey Harrelson for that one. He was like "I'm here to promote a movie? Okay. I'm going to do that, no other work." :reddit-logo: 's cultural norms be damned.

    • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      While I do offer my asshole to him freely, I haven't been strict about my veganism lately. I cannot do that in good conscience when I know I'd be offering him shitty cruelty.

    • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      While this isn't Rampart-related I guess I can answer:

      If you're privileged enough to have one of you be at home for a while, the first few years are chill as hell, so don't worry about them. At all. Babies and toddlers have, like, five needs to fulfill, and then they're good. Did you poop yourself? Are you hungry or hurt? Are you tired or cold? That's the whole thing. It can be exhausting and frustrating, but it's not complicated. You literally can't fuck it up if you're actually trying. And if you can't stay home? Daycare workers also know this to be true. The babies are safe.

      Beyond that? I dunno, I'm just my big autistic self, and I guess they just picked up the being a decent person thing by example. I always talk about calling the police within the framework of, "I need Men with Guns to maybe come kill somebody, so this is a real god damn emergency." And anything less than that is probably bullshit that you should take care of yourself. We also do some stuff in the neighbourhood that I guess would be considered mutual aid, like community gardening, and communally looking out for small kids as if they're our own. I just live into my values, and the kids picked up on it. You're going to be fine.

      • D61 [any]
        3 years ago

        I just re-read my comment, and without the correct punctuation it reads like I'm a complete asshole.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Good stuff. Should I watch Rampart or will it be a waste of my time?

    • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Ok. well, my method during preparation and production is immersion. I try to just immerse myself in the role, and in this case, watching movies, documentaries reading books. just anything that has to do with cops. Particularly LAPD, the history of the LAPD. As well as ride-alongs with cops... just getting into the back-story and the psyche of DAVE BROWN.

      So to jump in there is exciting and scary, and also you just feel completely safe and protected…Oren, he just won't let you fail, and me personally, I tried to fail several times.

      I mean its inevitable..with the freedom Oren does give you sometimes you're gonna go in the wrong direction and he's gonna steer you back.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        3 years ago

        I feel like this was written by cleverbot.

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    3 years ago

    lol nice. In all seriousness though, fuck "school resource officers" is particular, they literally have never stopped a single school shooting (the supposed reason we started having these turds in schools in the first place) and just harass the kids. Putting pigs around kids like that is child endangerment on the school's part.