• DeepSeaDiver [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    mark my words, there's a timeline in which yang gang takes over the democratic party.

    yang has positioned himself as a progressive that's not too radical, an outsider that simps for the establishment. perfect for the party with two faces and two wings. plus there was that rumor about obama liking him, which is practically a sign of divinity.

    if aoc (or someone similar) can't capture whatever remaining "leftist" electoral energy there is (on a national level), i believe that most "progressives" who aren't terminally online will choose yang - who already endeared himself to bernie stans and tulcels this primary.

    yang gang could win the party just like trump did in 2016 - with a cult of personality and outsider rhetoric, but friendly to msnbc and pod save consumers (similar to how suburban boomers, the core of the republican party, love trump)

    yang seems like an okay guy, but i don't see him as a rebel - he's made peace with the party, already has a speech at the convention. he could be here to stay.

    • JoannaNewsom [he/him]
      4 years ago

      At least yang has been supporting the 4 day work week recently. Tbh that alone puts him ahead of most dems. Not much else good I can say about him tho

      • DeepSeaDiver [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        yup, he's definitely nowhere near as bad as most dnc ghouls. but (in the rare scenario that i'm right lol) if he can successfully convince the party leadership that he'll sell out, i think he could get the necessary backing.

        of course, there's a good chance the prediction is way off; it's just a pet theory! i was inspired by an old chapo post that compiled all the times yang said he was "for the spirit of" policies like m4a but didn't support them.

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I don't think this will happen because I think the dems are entirely controlled opposition and will go scorched earth before even moderate reforms that affect the capital class, but this is well reasoned and not something I'd considered before so kudos.