Was I just stupid kid in the Midwest wrapped up in propaganda and a family history? How could I not fucking see what really was going on and what we do to the people of the countries we go to? Everything I wanted to be as a kid was based on fucking lies and the profits of the military industrial complex. What the fuck was the point of my deployments if not to oppress others? How can people fucking support these wars and invasions? In the name of protecting our freedoms while stripping away others? I fucking hate myself and wish I could take it away, but without it I wouldn’t be a communist and I wouldn’t have experience colonialism and imperialism first hand on the side of the oppressors. Fucking fuck.
I think it's more you weren't thinking, because you were a fucking child being brainwashed and manipulated
Honestly video games now have such a huge propaganda role. That’s why I play Red Orchestra 2 as exclusively the Soviets
fucked up how playing CoD for 5 hours a day as a 14 year old really does prime you to think how fun and cool it would be to die for western imperialism. but hey, the devs said the games aren't political :)
Especially when playing as a CIA super soldier or operator.
that's how they get you innit, tell you you'll be the big man, the hero who saves the day and saves the world. not you're going to be the generic grunt bad guy who spends most his time doing monotonous tasks over and over just to prove they can follow orders
I was a tanker so all I did was train for combat and did the same monotonous tasks everyday. Whether in post, in Africa, or Kuwait. Sure I didn’t get into combat but I was an active part of the cog of imperialism and I still am reconciling with that fact.
and now you aren't, and that's what matters far more. lot of people done a lot of things they're not proud of, but letting go, growing past, and making up for that where needs be is more than possible and far healthier than holding onto that guilt
I'm relieved that you didn't commit any war crimes, because just serving and being ashamed of it means you can wash yourself of it.
Kind of sad since the finale of the first CoD had you waving the Soviet flag over the Reichstag.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam feels really good as the Vietnamese.
When you get "drafted" to the US side, you feel like you're being forced to invade homes and murder the people defending them. And when you get on the VC side, you feel like David killing Goliath.
I will leave the server if US/Aussie is the only side open. Same with the Fascists vs Soviets in RO2
mad respek
I still play it but always try to switch, and then when I'm playing US or Kangaroos it's kind of elucidating in a way. Very uncomfortable
Now I want to play Rising Storm and roleplay as a disillusioned soldier, calling out war crimes before fragging my officer
Do people still play that, for the most part? I really wanted to buy it a little while ago—I played the demo or whatever of the first one and I enjoyed how there were plenty of opportunities to stab Nazis with a bayonet, shoot them, etc.
Also, I get why people join the military—propaganda, material benefit, etc... the best penitence would be to speak out against and effectively resist U.S. imperialism at every opportunity.
There is still a dedicated player base. I started a few years ago. You can also get rising storm 2 and play as the Vietnamese. RO2 is a lot of fun and can be intense as fuck
It came out on EOS for free a while back and experienced a boost in pop, myself included
I miss when video games weren't so political
“Castros people are fanatical in their devotion to him”
It's very important to make sure IL2 multi is entirely Soviet Dominated.