Can someone please hit the communism button already
Got an 87.5 in the exam I pulled an all nighter for :lets-fucking-go:
There was a fucking streamer at my work today :agony-shrooms:
Not sure if its a hot take around here or not since I haven't seen it discussed but IRL streamers are a blight on society. I do not want to be broadcasted to hundreds of people on the internet, least of all at work, fuck off. I was just taking a break before the next set of stuff to do at the end of a long day and this asshole just shoves his phone in my face and starts talking to me. :agony-deep:
You should have to declare it before you even start and get consent from everyone you approach at the very least.
in some states it's illegal to record people without consent I think.
but yeah, I agree.
It's a cage or enclosure so kitty can go outside without disturbing outside! They're great honestly.
Oh wow I hadn't even though of something like that but that's a great idea!
Just have 20 cats running throughout the house/apartment/property on various runs and transform into the cat lady you were always ment to be!
:sicko-fem: :party-cat:
The cats will unionize, overthrow you and remove the chicken wire for true freedom!
Petition to stop using money as the primary metric for personal success, and instead use how many different types of hats you could wear without looking ridiculous.
begging and pleading for the decaying settler state to stop torturing people :penguin-dance:
I don't care how white or capitalist you are. If you fuck with rich people, it'll rain fire on you.
Physics professors love to have encyclopedic knowledge about a million measurement and analysis programs but refuse to learn how to use Zoom.
Imagine just bein a lil nugget that wants to cuddle and also step on your face at 5am
Hello mega!
This week!!!! Lets get some progress going on Hexbear Dungeons and Dragons!!!
Fuck, I would love to play but life is a little too crazy right now.
Watching engineering videos and "how it's made"s leaves me in awe of how much humanity has achieved. It's appalling that we let blind marketplaces be the stewards of this power. It's honestly squandered. People are capable of so much, and yet we have almost no safeguards or redundancies to preserve it.
How much know-how and infrastructure is going to dissolve, simply because there's no money in making industrialization work long term? Hell, how much ingenuity is locked away, quietly molding under 'intellectual property'?
I find the most interesting parts where the sudden transitions to human labor occur and the state of the machines
That's always the bit those docs skip over :(
"Here's the point of human labor, watch the little peon sweat for 0.5s while we set up the next transition."
They skip over, but not every time. it’s interesting, like sometimes collecting stuff in boxes is done by hand, but in next one some machine will do it, I’m always left slightly surprised, it seems so arbitrary in context.
please watch Stuff Made Here, his projects are some of the coolest I've seen on youtube