Its just one person who was wrong because they don't understand how dictatorships work but won't admit they're wrong. Just don't engage.
You'll get an angry reply and be told to fuck off twice in a row at the end of the message. It's kinda fun
It's that all-american streisand effect
Tell people not to X makes them X
I think we need a "disengage" emote in honor of this dumpster fire
A "log off" emoji is long overdue. Something in the style of :bruh-moment:
Dude actually tried to continue an argument we had like a month ago on a Megathread post I made two days ago. The constant commands to (Picard voice) 'disengage' is even more ironic for me
I do with every life choice I make. Tell ya what, post a picture of what non starving weight looks like to you.
Considering you're being absolutely dog piled do you think maybe it could be you who"s wrong and not every single other person here?
Why do you keep unironically commanding people to "disengage"?
Do you actually think that works? lol
Thin soliders are the first sign of tyranny. America is more free because our military looks like thumbs
Americans have no perspective on what weight is healthy because literally 70% of the population is overweight or obese.
I'm an Americlap and even I know that the OP pic is normal weight
no excuse IMO
He should split the beer gut guard evenly amongst all of North Korea to be a real communism.
yeah, that guy looks like he's extremely well fed. absolutely.
At this point it seems like somebody possibly having body dysmorphia and thinking that a totally normal body type is "underfed"
And all of it would've been prevented with
North Korean military officer (thinking internally): "This is what I serve for."
everybody else looks pretty fed up and skinny.
i'm pretty fed up with pretending that north korea isn't a horrible place to live. i hate that attitude here. i defend china, because guess what, china has it's shit together and takes care of it's people.
i am a huge fan of north korean foreign policy. fuck imperialism, and don't fuck with me because fuck you, but as far as their domestic situation is concerned i am completely against it. i've seen people who look like they're hungry and scared, even when watching videos of pro-north korea shit, where i'm looking for a reason to defend them. it just wasn't there. i've seen some people who look like they're reasonably comfortable, and even little old ladies slamming cops with purses and saying get the fuck outa here, but i've seen a lot more other shit where it really makes me question the material conditions of the people who live there, people who look like they're fucking starving.
a lot of that can be attributed to the west completely embargoing them and sanctioning them, but they also have a lot of support from china, and their people should have better conditions. i have no love for kim jong un.
everybody else looks pretty fed up and skinny.
yea, this one's American
nothing more American than fake smiles and being fat
that one looks literally fed up
and skinny (by US hog standards)
yeah, who doesn't in that picture? find me a picture outside of kim ill sung square where anyone looks even comparable.
oh I thought you were saying the military officers look fed up and skinny. my bad
anyway yea the malnourished people are mostly attributable to being undeveloped and embargo'd/sanction'd on top of that. I'm not sure why that means I should hate DPRK. You can find similar looking people in literally any 3rd world "free" country
i am saying the military officers look fed up and skinny.
absolutely the west treating them in such a way is a contributing cause to them being malnourished, but let's not pretend they don't have fucking allies. let's not pretend there is a fucking difference in health between their fucking upper elite class and the fucking people who inhabit their country. i am not telling you to hate the DPRK. i am telling you that they are not infallible, this picture is not funny, and kim jong un is not a good person.
i am saying the military officers look fed up and skinny.
counterpoint: they don't
let’s not pretend there is a fucking difference in health between their fucking upper elite class and the fucking people who inhabit their country
...That's true of every country, even 1st world ones
in India/SEA, the rich upper classes are taller and healthier from drinking cleaner water and getting adequate protein
in the US, the differences are subtler bc everyone has more baseline food, but the rich still have better immunity and less heavy metal poisoning, etc
I just don't quite understand going full unhinged liberal "communism no food" rant on a silly post about Kim Jong-un kneeling next to Gary from Spongebob. Your comment is completely out of place and, even if it weren't out of its appropriate context, incoherent. Everyone else looks "fed up and skinny?" You mean these, presumably high ranking, military officers? You think they're victims of the oppressive tyranny of communism no food? Dude, if they're starving, there is no food at all. But they don't look "fed up and skinny" to me. They look like average sized human people caught in a still image making faces which could be misinterpreted as "fed up" if you're looking to make a Fox News segment.
are you fucking kidding me? this is the bullshit i'm fucking sick of. there's even a relatively healthy person in the fucking picture to compare them to. fuck off with your bullshit.
I'm honestly baffled by your behavior. I have no idea why you're acting like this.
because you think a fucking hammer and sickle means communism and equality. anyone can fly a fucking flag with no actual meaning.
i've already defended what i think is righteous about north korea. if you can just ignore the suffering of the people who live there, then you're not really a fucking comrade.
uhh, why do you keep pretending that everyone else in the photo look malnourished?
Kim is a little chubby, everyone else is normal. Are you okay?
You know, I always thought there should be a book written that's in support of socialism, but that also lays out why it's not going to be utopian, and what delineates stuff like Marxism from those utopian visions of socialism
Hey buddy, Lenin said to imagine no possessions, and I'm going to take his word for it.
--Sent from our Iphone
they've never been taken care of. for several fucking years. of course this has an effect, but to pretend that they were doing just fine for years is fucking complete bullshit. look up fucking north korea videos from like 2016. this isn't fucking new. it's just even worse now.
yeah, anyone in a fucking suit in north korea always looks healthy.
i'm just sick of this bullshit. defend this shit and fuck you.
this thread just makes me ashamed to be a communist. fucking think you fucking stupid fucks.