Disclaimer: spoilers

Yes I am a lib. Yes I went to see Black Widow. Yes I have some thoughts.

First off, meme attempt to force Marxist themes into this lib movie: two Soviet-era agents and a Soviet hero take down a pizzagate deep state agent doing MK Ultra and liberate a group of women in the process.

The good:

I actually quite liked the plot. Obviously it's lib and not like outstanding or anything. But, when your turn your mind off you can enjoy it more than some Marvel movies. I was genuinely surprised when it turned out the mom and Natasha switched places.

The tone was better compared to other marvel movies. Less stupid humor, especially when they were in high pressure situations.

I like movies like this in franchises. It's like doing a side quest after completing the main story. It doesn't advance the overall plot, but it's cool.

The bad:

Russia bad. Not only Russia bad, the first time we see Russia bad was when we see Russian baddie in Cuba lmao. Two for one special.

Plot armor. Obviously I know Natasha was never going to die. But the number of times she walked away from a car crash unharmed was insane. And not just like a mild car crash. Like a crash that would kill anyone on impact. The most anyone suffered was like a cut on the arm. I had to remind myself that these were like normal people. Black Widow has no superpowers.

The post credit scene. The whole movie was about giving former agents autonomy and the sister is set up to go after Hawkeye. Let it be it's own story and let the woman be liberated ffs.

Excess CGI. Like every Marvel movie.

Overall I turned my brain off and enjoyed it like the absolute hog I am. Marvel movies are nostalgia since I grew up with the comics. See it if you like the type of movie. You aren't missing anything if you don't.

  • TankieDukakis [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    She's the main baddies daughter blown up by Black Widow. Of if you mean like comics wise, a way lamer version of taskmaster.

        • keepcarrot [she/her]
          3 years ago

          Oh, that's pretty late into the movie and she's already appeared multiple times. My complaint is that it's treated as a reveal based on something earlier in the movie, but I can't find it.