Assuming that the left gets its shit together before Homo sapiens goes extinct.

My vote goes to either the USA or France. Especially because the Paris Commune already happened. “Smeagol did it once...he can do it again!” Paris seems to have been packed with rioters 24/7 for several years. Not so different maybe from the American Midwest. The ruling class is investing heavily in police in both countries. It’s afraid!

I know this seems partly delusional of me and that there is far more hope in the Global South unifying and then strangling the imperial core from the outside. But still, gun to your head, pick an imperial core country and explain how and why it will fall first. Marx, after all, predicted that socialism would come first to those places that had progressed along capitalist development the most. (Yes, you are invited to explain how wrong I am about this.) The USA falling to socialism would probably cause the rest of the planet to fall the same way.

edit: my choices seem embarrassing now, thank you for enlightening me comrades.

  • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
    3 years ago

    French politics are trending extremely reactionary right now. The Left is dead as a doornail over there.

    The US will never be the first major Western nation to declare Socialism. You can pretty much dismiss anyone who bleats on about how America is secretly ready for a glorious democratic Socialist multiracial democracy if we just get rid of those evil Cavaliers/Virginians/Deep South slave lords/Sunbelt Chuds (Matt Christman really disappoints me with his dreck fantasies along these lines when normally he's so reasonable). America was literally built on Capitalism, our government was founded as a collection of private enterprises. All nations are useless, but the US has no other past to look towards or any sort of cohesive bond besides "accumulate". There is no collective here, and our entire raison d'etre (the frontier) is gone and inherently unsustainable.

    The US is also most definitely not the "most progressed" Capitalist economy, so that theory goes away.

    Germany and the UK, as bad as they are, are closer to Da Revolootion than France or the US. Italy might be in that tier depending on whether or not you consider them to be in the "core".

        • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
          3 years ago

          Your militant left is vastly outnumbered and not even close. Also, say what you will about the US but in France, it's young people in their 20s and 30s who are the ones promoting fascism (look at polling, Le Pen is viable because of 20-40 year olds, who are workers, i.e. who should be the communists!!!). In the US, that's very much not the case, in fact it's the opposite (young adults make up the bulk of "the left"). We have nothing like Generation Identitaire - in fact, the right-wing movements in the US look to Europe to figure out how to recruit more young adults!

            • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
              3 years ago

              We can play this game with the US too. We have militant unions that refused to transport protestors to jail. We have others that add racial justice to their strike demands. We had numerous examples of ~direct action~ helping people with food, fuel, etc during the pandemic. We had multiple autonomous zones set up throughout the country last summer.

              The facts on the ground are the support for the far right has rapidly increased among young people in France while the Left is splintering and losing support. Solidarity with you and your comrades because the next 2-4 years look pretty grim over there.

    • mazdak
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
        3 years ago

        Does that matter if that past is increasingly meaningless/ seen as a lie by younger Americans though?

        Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, ignorance of the past is one of the most enduring features of the US!

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The thing talking in favour of a revolution in the US is how excessively cruel the system is compared to other bourgeois states where they at least bribe the poor with healthcare and a social safety net.

      Also the US has the size to realistically have a revolution without it being crushed immediately.

      But no, I wouldn't count on the US proletariat rising up and dismantling capitalism any day soon.

      • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
        3 years ago

        If you believe the first paragraph is true, do you vote straight ticket GOP every election?