Unpredictable weather is the main effect of climate change. Be ready for stuff like this. Wapo article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/08/14/iowa-derecho-attention-aid/

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    4 years ago

    What the fuck? Why has the news cycle been about Kamala and WAP instead of this?

  • zangorn [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    From the Washington Post article:

    On Monday, Iowa was leveled by what amounted to a level-two hurricane. But you wouldn’t know that from reading, listening to or watching the news.

    While the storm did garner some coverage, mostly via wire stories, its impact remains underreported days later. The dispatches, focused on crop damage and electrical outages, have been shouted down by the coverage of the veepstakes and the fate of college football. Conservatives’ consternation over the new Cardi B single has gotten more attention than the Iowans left without power or food for what may be weeks. And all this, as the pandemic continues to wreak havoc throughout the state.

  • TemporalMembrane [she/her]
    4 years ago

    A Derecho is like an inland hurricane, they can be very sudden and the windspeeds can top out at 100-120 mph. That high of a speed used to be expected about once every 50 years or so. There was a really big one in 2012 that had a peak speed about 95 mph, IIRC. There was another big one in 2015 that got to 120 mph at its peak in South Dakota. This recent one peaked at 112 mph. I don't know if they're becoming more and more common for sure or not, but it sure seems that way... Derechos are more common and more destructive after heat waves. The heat waves coming by 2040, if we don't start working towards actual solutions to climate change, will probably make even these derechos seem tame. Extreme heat waves will increase in intensity and frequency even if we take radical action right now just because of delayed feedback from previous GHG. We can deal with these, we can plan for them, but it will be very difficult if society remains oriented around profit for the bourgeoisie.

    I don't think Iowa is going to get any federal relief support either, but that remains to be seen.

  • PlasticRadioMan [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The governor of Iowa just deployed the National Gaurd yesterday to help in Cedar Rapids. She waited 4 days to even do that. Oh and she’s barely mentioned and had dumb rally with pence as people were struggling with no power. Fucking hate my state

  • RNAi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Damn, now the recounting results will be delayed again

  • hauntingspectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    FYI dehydrated foods are back in stock online, if you're wanting to prep those are a good start.

  • hauntingspectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Yeah, some friends of mine from back in the day live up there. Shit's crazy. They spent quite a while in their basement, came up to find a broken window (branch), and the room looked like someone had picked it up and dumped it out. They're still a couple days away from getting power back. It was supposed to hit Chicago, but I think it just missed the city?

  • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    An my Grandfather will still still say Climate Change is a hoax, or more likely it was always going to happen as it is natural, thus we shouldn't do anything about it.