And this eventually leads to this guy saving the world, but dying in the process and then having a United Church of Gaming created in his honor
I wish I was making that up
All the different worlds, cultures, and stories we might be able to experience through the genre of fiction across various forms of media, maybe most vividly in gaming...
and it's always just white Christian Europe over and over
What, you mean you don't want to kill your bosses (DISCLAIMER: in ) ?
Imagine being in a time where you could write this without it being pre loaded with irony
I've blocked it out, but all I have to do is take one look at my Facebook comments from this era to instantly die
WoW loot mechanics
This message brought to you by GW2 gang 😎
WoW changed its default loot mechanics to everyone being on their own loot table. Everyone in the dungeon could get a drop on one boss and then nobody on the next boss. Its also always class-relevant.
Excellent, WoW recognized their inferiority and learned. Another GW2 W 😌
Baby, you're like the skyrim boob slider made flesh, I love you.
hell yeah I
fucking love
epic geek paraphernalia and gamer goods!! there's literally nothing better than guzzling down dozens of cans of G FUEL(TM) while unboxing the latest Loot Crate(TM)ZELDA LEGO ZELDA LEGO LEGO ZELDA LEGO ZELDA MARIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I tried gfuel once and it felt like it burned a hole into my stomach. Horrible.