lmao you ain't seen how the vaccination drive has gone in the Anglosphere, have you?
Edit: Even if the article isn't total bullshit, elevating this speculative research paper feels like an attempt to cover for policy failures
Hell yeah, I love this kind of extremely stupid interesting shit.
The online Anglo sex-pests in Japan go sooooooo fucking mad about that and I'm looking forward to throwing this in their faces.
this is the way. It's obviously bullshit, but I love rubbing fake bullshit in the faces of pests who live to spread other forms of fake bullshit
now you get to eat your own shit, pseuds.
Forbes is getting
pretty sure you just pay money & they'll publish what you write nowadays
You don't think they have a bot-farm churning out half their content? Cause this reads like it was written by a real person, but... there are others. Really, anything that has to do with a particular firm's performance.
To be fair, John McWhorter said specifically that this isn't true in one episode of Lexicon Valley last year. McWhorter's politics may be shitty, but I respect his work as a linguist.