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  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 years ago

    This is some wild amount of speculation lol

    (As much as I'd love if it was true)

    Also I think Trump didn't mask because he didn't like the way it made him look. Dude's always been obsessed with appearance

    • TankieTanuki [he/him]
      3 years ago

      :tromp: No, YOU'RE speculation!


      Seriously though, it's okay to speculate and connect dots. It's how literally all investigations are done.

      The difference between rational speculation and deranged or paranoid speculation is that the latter type ignores contravening facts and evidence. In other words, it's okay to continue to speculate as long as your hypothesis hasn't yet been falsified.

      So think critically about it. What is it that makes this theory "wild"? Is it just because of the scope of the lie, or is there evidence that rules it out? If so, state what that evidence is rather than laughing at the people trying to look into this. :meow-hug:

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I did further down, mainly just that I don't see why they'd do a risky and highly experimental procedure on the president.

        And if they did have a treatment that worked, they would have been very public about it from day one. The last thing they wanted to do was lockdown. If they had a treatment they could point to, they would have pointed to it.

        Other than that, yeah I basically agree. Especially because the end result of it being a weaponized virus, an accidental leak, or a natural disease are all the same. The US used this pandemic as a political cudgel against the entire world.

        • TankieTanuki [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Okay, thanks for sharing your reasoning.

          I think the theory that Trump received some kind of experimental vaccine is ancillary to the larger theory about a US lab leak and the vaping illness. The rest of the theory doesn't hinge on it at all.

          If there was a treatment though, we have no way of knowing how risky or experimental it actually was. They could have been working on this stuff for a long time, and all of that research would be classified. I've seen credible speculation that SARS2 is actually an attenuated derivative of the SARS virus intended for use in the creation of a SARS vaccine.

          If they had pointed to the experimental vaccine as soon as COVID struck the US, that would have revealed America's role in the creation of the virus.

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            3 years ago

            That's the one thing that hinges on the weakest evidence and has the greatest implications. Namely that there was something they could have done about it, but didn't for some reason.

            The rest is believable, and even if it's not true, Fort Derrick and the 200 other bio weapon labs the us runs absolutely need to be put in the spotlight and investigated then shut down.

            If you lead with the Trump getting an experimental therapy that made him immune, you'll lose a lot of people right away though. So stick to what we know which is that the US has an insane number of bio weapons research facilities all around the world, and one of them was in close proximity to an unknown flu outbreak right before covid and was promptly shut down.

    • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Also I think Trump didn’t mask because he didn’t like the way it made him look.

      Then why did he admit how devastating it was back in February 2020 on leaked private tapes? He basically said "this is gonna kill everyone" and then never wore a mask as a 75 year old.

      and AFTER that, it took him until October 2020 to actually GET covid, despite him literally never wearing a mask. Again, almost as if he had received some type of therapy that wore off after 11 months.

      If not, why was Trump a patient in Walter Reed in November 2019? What happened there? He came back with an IV bruise on his arm, and no explanation was ever given. Total mystery.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'm saying he didn't wear a mask at speaking events, but likely followed precautions when the cameras weren't on him

        • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          it's whatever because even the trump stuff is secondary. Why did 2019 have so many pneumonia outbreaks compared to 2018? At a certain point you have to admit the probability of all of this stuff being coincidence is pretty low

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            3 years ago

            The Trump thing is the most questionable, mainly because I don't think they'd do an experimental treatment on the president before he even got sick.

            I do think that the US is hiding a lot of military research into weaponized pandemic, and I do think that even if covid was just a coincidence, they were ready to do something like this anyways.

            This pandemic, wether natural or manufactured, was absolutely used as a political tool by the empire against China specifically and the third world generally with blame being aggressively thrown at China while vaccine efforts were locked behind imperial walls and used as a bludgeon against the over exploited colonies.

            The one thing that definitely comes out of this is that the US no longer holds cultural hegemony. American exceptionalism is dead outside the domestic cults. What comes next is either a slow death of empire or a violent explosion of reaction.

            Historically speaking, were on the cusp of another global imperialist war. The question is how willing is the populous, and how will this war be fought?

        • TankieTanuki [he/him]
          3 years ago

          If a Trump wears a mask in the middle of the Oval Office and no one is around to film it, does he still make a heavy breathing sound?