We are witnessing fucking around and finding out in real time

  • benastrea [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The other 42% of Biden voters say "Look, fat, when you get up in the morning you gotta put your shoes on one leg at time, and, look, here's the thing, we cannot defeat, excuse me, we must defeat the other Biden. Now I don't believe in social-whatsits, hard work and CEOs built this nation, and if dying from tuberculosis was good enough for your granddaddy, it's good enough for you. And I'm gonna reach across the aisle and bring Republicans in to do good work with us. Now, listen, I know some people say Republicans can't be reformed, but look at my good friends Hillary and Liz - they used to be Republicans and look at them now! And George W. Bush and Mitt Romney, why, they're practically Democrats, wouldntcha say? Don't say 'malarky' to me! Malarky for all, and to all a good night!"