The Nathan J Robinson haters were right all along

  • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Eh - I dunno about this one. He's held the Chomsky position on voting - that it's such a small part of our political lives that you might as well vote for the lesser evil and go on with your day - long before 2020 and consistently criticized Biden before, during, and after the election.

    He never dropped criticism of Biden, he wrote a scathing piece in August of last year on Biden calling him "appalling...a dutiful servant of corporate interests" that literally brought up the Tara Reade story to mention that his record on sexual assault is Trump-like. He also stated the objective fact that a Trump presidency is worse than a Biden presidency.

    We don't need to make shit up about NJR when this scandal is more than enough to bury him.