I like the smell of end day unwashed pussy myself. And some people look at me like I'm crazy and nasty when I bring up my smell kink
Nice try CIA, I only have pain fetishes so that way when your Agents torture me, it'll just turn me on instead!
One would think masochists would make perfect spies, able to resist interrogation, but they keep inexplicably getting caught!
cw extreme lewdness
i think cuddling is nice
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نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
normies hate it when I tell them they've got a breeding kink lol
I'm a gentleman of culture so I only consume the finest hentai with the biggest of booba waifus.
Oh god I got an embrassing confession.
Okay, I don't think this really counts as a fetish, but... I sorta got a thing for like, cheesy erotic swords and sorcery fantasy aesthetics. I just dig ladies in metal bikinis and swole ass dudes with giant axes. IDK why, maybe I first got horny while my dad was watching Conan the Barbarian or something. I know it's kinda cringe but it's my thing.
If that sort of art didn't scratch a particular itch for a decent proportion of the population then it wouldn't have ever existed in the mainstream. That's my take on it.
oh hell yeah
My dad had a book of sci-fi/fantasy pulp art and it had boobs in it
Teenage me was very impressed
damn you like attractive scantily clad Men and Women, what a freak lmao
They specifically have to be holding swords and fighting a giant snake tho
Smell kinks are rarely talked about but I think everyone has them without realising to a certain extent. It's just generally frowned upon to talk about being turned on by smells because there's no consent or control in what smell a person is giving off or in what nearby people do with that smell. It makes people feel vulnerable because of the lack of control.
There isn't much more consent or control about appearance either yet peoples get turned on by people's appearance all the time. 🤔
Fair, I guess it's entirely just about normalisation vs not? I wonder if it's ever been not-weird to discuss how someone smells in a "phwoar she's a looker" kind of way. "Phwoar she's a smeller" conjures an entirely different emotion in me.
Just a supposition but...
I'd say it probably has something to do with the fact that sight is our "primary" sense, the one we rely on and pay attention to the most, whereas smell, we don't really pay attention to it on a day to day basis, except in the presence of a very strong smell good or bad.
It reflect on our vocabulary too, we have a lot of words to describe extensively and exactly what we see (color, shade, texture, shape, etc...) but very little words to describe what we smell.
Maybe it's different for blind peoples? Or species with a strong sense of smell?
Maybe it's different for blind peoples?
Oooo this would be really interesting to get perspective on but it's gonna be super weird trying to ask.
Conversely though, I think it's actually kinda nice to be told you have really pleasant smells, at least between intimate partners. They're probably gonna smiff ya anyway, so it's nice to know they enjoy it? Kinda thing
It's also one of the things you remember very strongly. I like stealing partner's tops/jumpers because when you miss them you still have their smell.
I genuinely don't think the perfume, deodorant and aftershave industries would ever be as large as they are if this weren't at least partially true.
I think this is a good opportunity to remind people:
I should notice your perfume/cologne if I'm close enough to kiss you and certainly not just because I happen to be in the same room.
My friends make fun of me because I like wholesome trans girls cuddling.
I've had that happen too. Punks generally don't wear deodorant or wash much but also are outside more, so there's a BO but it's way less cheeto dust chemical stink of Magic the Gathering Tournament BO and I can tell my friends apart by smell and it releases good brain chemicals when I smell them even if it's like a lingering or similar smell. I smell like weed and spring rolls apparently.
I wouldn't call it a fetish but some people have cute feet. I just see them the same as any other body part. Idk the internet has kind of warped this but I always thought a sexual fetish was like something you need in order to derive sexual pleasure from an activity. Like a person with a foot fetish needs to be interacting with your feet during sex or it's just not going to work out. Where a person (like you or me) who just might think you have nice feet in the same way you might have nice hair or eyes or butt or whatever would just be called, like, normal lol
I've been told that's the difference between a kink and a fetish - fetish elements are more or less required to get off; whereas kink elements simply make it better, and not necessarily even in a directly sexual sense. But usage seems to vary
I have an otter fetish. Whenever I tell people that, they look at me like I'm crazy. I got it in Arizona like a decade ago and it's either stone or petrified wood. IDK. It's been a couple years since I last looked at it. I kind of lost it, to be honest.
a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
I've been banned 12 times for kink-shaming and 11 of those were on the same nose-fetishist.