To be fair, in the comments are some sources that made me go :bruh:

Edit: I did find a “tankie” that says “prolonging the civil war + US occupation would be worse than a Taliban peace”, also coupmed with "the immediate fall of the Afghan military is proof that the Taliban are more legitimate rulers than the US puppet government". See for yourself:

  • KollontaiWasRight [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    This is deeply anti-Marxist. Marx recognizes the importance of the process of development and offers us ample reason to believe that you cannot simply press the "establish communism" button in a society and have it work. While the stageist conceit that human forces cannot interact with historical forces is not good, the anti-stageism of ignoring when historical forces overdetermine any human force that might be gathered is just as bad. Some degree of primitive accumulation simply has to happen before you can make a transition to socialism. There must be a large enough urban proletariat to sustain the revolution for the condition of socialism to be maintained. There must be a public will that a state exists for it to have any efficacy, and that means there has to be class consciousness. You can no more go directly from feudalism to socialism without at least some period of accumulation than you can enforce bourgeois democracy on a nation with no means of sustaining a middle class.