"so we went to Gaza and handed out aid"

  • @Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    6 months ago

    Jewish bombs have actual "Gaydar" in them, and avoid hitting LGBTQ people, in fact they are designed to seek out the biggest homophobes in the hospitals they strike.

  • @robinn_IV
    6 months ago

    Everyone thinks they’re so fucking smart for making this point.

    • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
      6 months ago

      Everyone thinks they’re so fucking smart for making this point.

      the people saying Palestinians kill queers?
      the people showing that being queer in Palestine isn’t much different from being queer in isnotreal or most other countries?

      • @robinn_IV
        6 months ago

        People who put down any marginalized people supporting Palestinian liberation by pointing out that it isn’t currently some super socially progressive nation, as if that is at all the point (ex. news personalities “slamming” queers for Palestine).

  • Yllych [any]
    6 months ago

    Obviously the most fertile ground for queer acceptance to develop is among bombed ruins and military occupation.

    Also if this is the standard to avoid destruction by the empire then wake me up when the megachurches are napalmed.

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    6 months ago


    On September 18, 1936, the criminal code of Mandatory Palestine, British Mandate Criminal Code, which drew from Ottoman law or English law, was enacted. Section 152(1)(b)(c) of the code states that any person who "commits an act of sodomy with any person against his will by the use of force or threats" or "commits an act of sodomy with a child under the age of sixteen years" is liable for imprisonment up to 14 years, while Section 152(2)(b) states that anyone who has "carnal knowledge" of anyone acting "against the law of nature" is liable for a prison term up to 10 years.[2] Palestinian academic Sa'ed Atshan argued that this criminal code was an example of British export of homophobia to the Global South. who-did-this

    Mixed legality:

    • West Bank – decriminalized since 1951, equal age of consent

    • Gaza Strip – no consensus on applicability of British 1936 Sexual offences provisions to homosexual conduct

    • No recognition of same-sex couples

    Why Queer Solidarity With Palestine Is Not “Chickens for KFC”

    • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
      6 months ago

      states that anyone who has "carnal knowledge" of anyone acting "against the law of nature"

      Am I understanding this wrong or does it mean you can be arrested for having sex with someone who can defy gravity?

  • @Yurt_Owl
    6 months ago

    Most people in the world would kill me for some reason or other. Does that mean the entire world should be destroyed?

    Wait a minute I think Posadas was onto something hexbear-posadist

  • Egon [they/them]
    6 months ago

    Turn this argument around on them: "So you think it's okay to kill homophobes?" Or "so you think bigoted people should die?"
    Libs think bigots should be platformed and debated, so they cannot say yes to this

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Somebody on here pointed out that realistically, many Holocaust victims probably weren't especially pro-gay given the time period, and that this "you should only have solidarity with genocided peoples if they personally like you" reasoning implies that gay people should be retroactively pro-Holocaust, which is obviously not what zionazis would want.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      6 months ago

      implies that gay people should be retroactively pro-Holocaust, which is obviously not what zionazis would want.

      Zionists only don't want that because they think LGBT opinion in the West is a swing vote. They would not hesitate to paint gay people as Holocaust loving Nazis like they do with the Arabs otherwise.

  • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Sacha Baron Cohen said that the closest time he was to being killed, and the only time he had to break character, was when he was filming Bruno in Israel. He was playing a flamboyant gay man, and a mob in Israel tried to kill him for that. These were Israelis, not Palestinian, and they weren't just one or two homophobic people.

  • autism_2 [it/its]
    6 months ago

    can't help but think many of these people have their meat out as they describe us impudent sodomites being thrown off roofs or whatever