Wtf these are like a staple at child birthday parties in Canada, I feel bad for you I really do. Ketchup chips are also not on your shelves. SMDH
Wtf these are like a staple at child birthday parties in Canada, I feel bad for you I really do. Ketchup chips are also not on your shelves. SMDH
apparently you can get all dressed chips in the states but the flavour is inferior to the canadian version, (or at least that's what the podcast "and introducing" suggested on their last ep). ketchup chips though, is that an exclusively canadian phenomenon?
Yep pretty sure ketchup chips are only for canucks
that sounds so unbelievably disgusting. ketchup should burn in hell.
Yeah ketchup chips aren't my fav.
we had them in the uk for a while, think they were just a temporary thing tho, haven't seen them in years
apparently you can still get them