A variety of considerations held him back. “The wife,” as he put it, had her doubts. He wasn’t sure about the “ginormous leap down in luxury” from living in deep residential comfort on land in the US midwest to living in a very small cabin on board a 30-year-old cruise ship. He was worried, too, by the limited facilities – “No kitchen of my own? Tiny bathrooms? Tiny everything?”

  • happybadger [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The difficulty in starting a new form of government, said Friedman, was simply a lack of space. All the land on Earth was taken. What they needed was a new frontier, and that frontier was the ocean. “Let a thousand nations bloom on the high seas,” he proclaimed, with Maoish zeal. He wanted seasteading experiments to start as soon as possible. Within three to six years, he imagined ships being repurposed as floating medical clinics. Within 10 years, he predicted, small communities would be permanently based on platforms out at sea. In a few decades, he hoped there would be floating cities “with millions of people pioneering different ways of living together”.

    Love trying to evacuate open ocean with millions of people as a hypercane consumes continents on its approach. Love floating around large waves of sewage and trash from my libertarian neighbours that think municipal garbage collection is a conspiracy. Love eating the remaining fish that have the misfortune of swimming through all of that fuel which I trusted libertarians to procure with some idea of how it might affect things around them. Love how the Navy thinks the most dangerous things at sea are basic outpatient dental issues and disease outbreaks so they have a full list of mandatory vaccines and dental procedures before you can touch a ship.

    • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
      3 years ago

      all the land on earth was taken

      They wanted to unironically do a bioshock but a boat was the best they could do rn lol

      • happybadger [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yarr harr diddly dee, no age of consent on international seas. Captaining drunk without insurance fees. I'm a libertarian.

        • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          :maxwell: literally had (still has?) a seasteading company she was collaborating on with the Clinton Foundation so yeah, this is actually a thing and it's not just the libertarians, it's the neoliberals too because neoliberalism is just libertarianism with extra steps.