A variety of considerations held him back. “The wife,” as he put it, had her doubts. He wasn’t sure about the “ginormous leap down in luxury” from living in deep residential comfort on land in the US midwest to living in a very small cabin on board a 30-year-old cruise ship. He was worried, too, by the limited facilities – “No kitchen of my own? Tiny bathrooms? Tiny everything?”

  • bort_simp_son [she/her]
    3 years ago

    A variety of considerations held him back. “The wife,” as he put it, had her doubts. He wasn’t sure about the “ginormous leap down in luxury” from living in deep residential comfort on land in the US midwest to living in a very small cabin on board a 30-year-old cruise ship. He was worried, too, by the limited facilities – “No kitchen of my own? Tiny bathrooms? Tiny everything?”

    And we worry about these people fleeing to space? Nah, they won't even last a month in their luxury doomsday bunkers.

    • 01100011101001111100 [she/her]
      3 years ago

      If they actually decide to get out, wouldn't your pilot just toss you out the plane and take your bunker? And what about all the people that built the things and know where they are... I guess they're hoping the electronic locks and shit are totally impenetrable but given silicon valley's track record for broken shit I bet theyre easily crackable.

      • bort_simp_son [she/her]
        3 years ago

        If a problem with the bunker requires pushing even 3 buttons in a correct order to solve, the bougies will need human workers to do it for them.