Volcel jokes aside, that's unfortunate.

Overall, I do think China is on the right track. but they def. have their issues with trying to legislate morality a little too much.

I don't think Gianna Michaels/hentai is going to inspire the populace to take up arms in a capitalist revolution.

    • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
      3 years ago

      It's just getting rid of a pointless restriction on a silly thing. Porn being freely available wouldn't be a social disservice if that's what you're implying.

      • Haste_Hall [he/him]
        3 years ago

        From the sound of it, it's already pretty freely available.

                • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
                  3 years ago

                  If I ran a government, and said there was a ban on peanut butter, but the populace still regularly got peanut butter anyway, what would be the actual point of my ban exactly?

                  • Haste_Hall [he/him]
                    3 years ago

                    It would probably have the effect of reducing peanut butter consumption to a level below what would happen if it was legalized.

                    I don't blame China for not wanting to fully open the porn spigot. It's probably wise as a precautionary measure.

                    • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
                      3 years ago

                      Okay, are you an unironic volcel or something? lol

                      Freely available porn doesn't corrupt people or "the culture" or whatever you're implying there.

                          • WALLTHERICH [comrade/them]
                            3 years ago

                            you assuming there is absolutely no harm being done by pornography is by far the more absurd position, particularly when the alternative is "we're not sure yet"

                              • WALLTHERICH [comrade/them]
                                3 years ago

                                perhaps. but without evidence you're just making a statement of belief. have you considered there might be more to the position maintained by the other side than "i'm willing to bet based on precisely nothing"?

                                • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
                                  3 years ago

                                  As stated elsewhere, I'm sure there is a reason, but based on the past history of pornography bans, there's very high odds that it's not all that good and not based on any actual logic.

          • Kappapillar [comrade/them,undecided]
            3 years ago

            If it's pointless, then you're angry at an immaterial ideal rather than the material reality of the citizens themselves. You're objecting, as an outsider, to something of no consequence. People who live there experience the material conditions, so you're just vaguely gesticulating on suppositions and hypotheticals. As a Marxist-Leninist, I hereby banish you to the :gulag:
            US "freedom" brainwashing has gotten the best of us, comrade. Material conditions are what affect people the most

                • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
                  3 years ago

                  Prove...what? That it's silly to do that?

                  Okay, look at everywhere that does freely allow pornography. By and large porn being available doesn't significantly hurt anyone in those places, so why would it be any different in China?

                  • Kappapillar [comrade/them,undecided]
                    3 years ago

                    Is there any reason China shouldn't? Who is significantly harmed in a tangible way by this? Also Japan's got some pretty fucked up stuff going on with its hentai, and I think there's an easy argument to be made that it negatively impacts the people there.

                      • Kappapillar [comrade/them,undecided]
                        3 years ago

                        Yeah, I agree that hentai is a symptom, not a cause of the awful culture around sex that Japan suffers from. Like, a lot of men feel guilt or shame for having sexual desire, and that sucks.
                        I appreciate the acknowledgement that it most likely does impact the social status of women and on that grounds might warrant banning.
                        "However, in my opinion, arguing that the excesses of Hentai are the specific reason for the alienation [...]"
                        I didn't say this, but I'm sure someone has.
                        I mostly brought up hentai because OP made the claim that porn usually doesn't harm people and I threw it in there sorta just to be petty.
                        My point to OP remains though: if he doesn't believe the legislation is even effective, then what harm is it doing? What tangible consequence is he objecting to?

      • WALLTHERICH [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        not being a social disservice is not the same thing as serving the public good

        so, what good would that serve?

        • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
          3 years ago

          What good is there to pointlessly ban something?

          People wanna get off and watch people fuck, I say let em' blow off some steam.

          • WALLTHERICH [comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            the question is poorly asked, there is inherently no point to a pointless thing

            obviously they want to attempt to restrict either the consumption of pornography or its manufacture, whether that's because they believe doing so will achieve their population growth aims or because they think it's socially maladaptive or something, but the reason is manifestly not "for no reason"

            if you're so curious, i'd suggest looking into the whys. it's an interesting question; i just don't necessarily know that i'd take such a strong position as you have when i don't have the slightest clue why something was enacted

            • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
              3 years ago

              Obviously there a reason, but based on the history of anti-pornography bans throughout world history, odds are very high that that reason is not based in actual logic.

              • WALLTHERICH [comrade/them]
                3 years ago

                perhaps so, but i think you'll find that what is deemed logical is far from universally agreed upon. and "high odds" means nothing, aside from "i feel very strongly that this is the case". you have already acknowledged that you don't understand the reasons behind it, so it smacks of arrogance to simply claim that you know better without even investigating the situation

                "no investigation, no etc etc" - jesus, maybe?

                • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
                  3 years ago

                  Okay dude, seems like you're more of a China stan than I am and that we're just gonna keep going in circles and never agree here.

                  So I agree to disagree.

                  • WALLTHERICH [comrade/them]
                    3 years ago

                    i'm neither a dude nor a china stan, just someone asking you to bother looking into a situation before developing an intense emotional attachment to one side or the other

                    refusing to entertain the possibility that something you know nothing about might be more complex than your initial impression isn't "agreeing to disagree", but i can't control your mind.

                    this isn't evil totalitarian authoritarian china after all!

                    • budoguytenkaichi [he/him,they/them]
                      3 years ago

                      Firstly "intense emotional attachment" is overstating it. I have the day off and nothing else to do outside of posting.

                      Secondly, you're saying you're not a China stan, but seem to be interpreting my overall critique as paramount to calling them The Great Satan or something.

                      • WALLTHERICH [comrade/them]
                        3 years ago

                        might i suggest you spend your posting time researching the issues you're curious about, instead of staking out a position without any information whatsoever?