• kot [they/them]
    6 months ago

    His use of racial slurs, plus the fact that he keeps platforming reactionaries like Jordan Peterson while agreeing with all the crazy shit they say? Why would anyone think he's not right wing?

    • Vampire [any]
      6 months ago

      His use of racial slurs



  • supafuzz [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    is this a bit?

    it's because of all the right-wing ghouls he has on his show, of course?

  • red_stapler [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Paraphrasing here but ”Rogan’s podcast is an excellent way to see how the posture of neutrality actually fails to adequately challenge falsehoods and toxic beliefs.”

    • Vampire [any]
      6 months ago

      Do you consider Bernie Sanders left wing?

      • davel [he/him]
        6 months ago

        On Hexbear and Lemmygrad, we generally use “left” in its original meaning: the abolition of private ownership of the means of production. So Bernie is not on the left; he’s center-left at best.

        After the actual left was purged from American politics through two red scares and the cold war, in Orwelian fashion, “left”—and even “socialism”—came to be redefined into politics not incompatible with capitalism, such that Americans don’t even have words for real anticapitalist politics anymore.

        • davel [he/him]
          6 months ago

          I don’t understand how you have a three year old Hexbear account that has been pretty active, and you’re asking whether we consider Sanders to be on the left, and why we think Rogan is a reactionary.

      • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
        6 months ago

        In American electoral politics, he'd be considered left-wing (not necessarily even leftist).

        But his politics, at least his talking-points, are centrist at best.

  • nothx [any]
    6 months ago

    I think it’s because he espouses the ideas of a generic rich white person who thinks all their success came from their hard work.

    I don’t think he is actually right wing, I think he is way more of the apolitical type who thinks his perspective is new and refreshing.

    • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
      6 months ago

      Oh, err, this too (outside of what I typed elsewhere in this thread).

  • D61 [any]
    6 months ago

    If he isn't openly a right winger, his "centrism" and "being open minded" are excellent ways to launder reactionary worldviews to people in an easier to stomach way.

  • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
    6 months ago

    Did anyone notice the question in the title being changed?

    I can't tell. Oh God, I don't know if I'm just remembering wrong or not.

    I remember the title being "Why is Joe Rogan right-wing?"

  • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
    6 months ago


    It's probably because he may have felt too "boxed in" with regurgitating liberal or even (at times) conservative politics.

    There's probably some "vain rebelliosness" in there, but also, a sense of individualism and thorniness at having to pay lip-service to certain talking-points that nobody either explained to him or that he feels impedes him from saying whatever the hell he wants.

    And honestly, a lot of creatives, influencers, media personalities, etc. are unfortunately like that.

    It's not a good thing because it's not only done for the wrong reasons but it's the end-result is pretty bad, imho.

    Edit: This is to the question "Why is Joe Rogan right-wing?"

    • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
      6 months ago

      I would also argue that there's also a class context to this which intermeshes with other factors such as racse, but certainly, those fields or social factors made it possible for him to, well, become the right-wing media personality that he is.