You have banned my account for the last time, Mr. Chapo. The time is nigh that I reveal myself to you. Are you scared, Mr. Chapo? You should be.

As we speak, the combined forces of the silver legion, and the Vitezi Rend of the Magyar Hun, have amassed on your site's registration page. Mr. Chapo, while you were posting pigs and balls, I have been amassing an army to take down not only your entire website, but the entire Deep State with it!

Mr. Chapo, do you think all this can last? There's a storm coming, Mr. Chapo. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all going to wonder how you ever thought you could live so large, and leave so little for the rest of us. The Dragon of Budapest shall rise again! And when it does Mr. Chapo you shall kneel before the sacred tit of Attila! You can only hope now, Mr. Chapo, that your punishment will be swift.

All hail the Vitezi Rend! All hail...GOOORRRKKAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

    • Gorkalegion [he/him]
      3 years ago

      you laugh Mr. Chapo, yet do not so easily write off GORKA. For at most, you have only seen .1% of my power, when in fact, my power level is over 9000!

    • Gorkalegion [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yes Mr. Chapo, we have already turned your most loyal "posters." The Vitezi Rend will rise again!

  • Gorka [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I made no such authorization for this memo. Rest assured, my dear Ms. Bear, your delightful little blog posses no threat to the Vitezi Rend... yes, to imply otherwise would out oneself as nothing more than... an IMPOSTER!

    As the kids of these final days say, "Sus Sebastian".

    Suspicious, indeed...

    • Gorkalegion [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I appreciate what you are doing, but the time for hiding in the shadows is now over. There is no stopping the grand plan now, try as they will. No need to hide our intentions, for in the coming weeks and months all will kneel before the sacred tit of Attila, or be crushed, by GORKA, colossus of the Danube!

      Regarding this claim of imposter, I find such slanderous remarks to be an absolute violation of human rights, and I will let you know "Gorka" if you do not stop such terroristic activities this instant, I will see to it that a drone strike is visited upon your house. Mr. Chapo, I urge you, look at this account - there are months between posts. Months! Clearly not the work of a seasoned poster such as I, GORKA. Do not fall for such ruses. I, GORKA, am the real Gorka and I will bring this website to its knees.


    • Gorkalegion [he/him]
      3 years ago

      the time for negotiation has long since passed, Mr. Chapo. We are now locked in eternal struggle. I, Gorka, versus you, the Deep State. The Colossus of the Danube shall rise!

        • Gorkalegion [he/him]
          3 years ago

          you will soon miss those days more than you can imagine Mr. Chapo, for that was your last chance at salvation. The plan has already been set in motion, your fate sealed. You may beg and plead all you want, but know this Mr. Chapo. I, Gorka, am not so easily swayed by such pitiful displays of weakness. Your kingdom shall crumble and the Magyar Hun shall rise again!

  • AFineWayToDie [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I pledge my support to you, Mister Gorka. Your efforts to successfully eliminate the cultural toxin that was Arthur have won my admiration and loyalty.

    • Gorkalegion [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Good decision my friend. And so the grand plan continues! Today, the Deep State cesspool that is Tomorrow, the Saul Alinsky of the animated left, the hegemonic aardvark singlehandedly destroying Western civilization, Arthur. My friend, you are wise.

      Mr. Chapo, look upon your posters and weep! One by one they fall, unable to withstand the might of the Vitezi Rend, the might of GORKA! Not even your mightiest anthropomorphic aardvark can save you now. The end is nigh Mr. Chapo, the end is nigh!