:maybe-later-kiddo: Childhood is agreeing with Dr. Bashir, adulthood is realizing Section 31 did nothing wrong, sweetie. They're the Hard Men Making Hard Choices™, the Rough Men Standing Ready To Do Violence™ that keep unpatriotic libcuck soyboys like Bashir safe from the barbarian alien hordes. You may not like them, but even you must admit the Federation needs them to survive. The only thing that can stop the bad guys are our own bad guys who don't play by any rules. Sorry kiddo, that's how the real world works.

:le-pol-face: What do you mean Section 31 aren't necessary? What do you mean their schemes constantly blow back and put the Federation in greater jeopardy than if they had just not done anything in the first place? No, they're efficient! They do the things the civilian government is too weak to do! If you think otherwise you're just an ignorant naive soyboy who thinks we can just be nice and get along with everyone!

:wojak-nooo: Stop laughing at them! They're cool! They dress in badass black uniforms and nobody gets to tell them what to do! They go on secret missions! They're tier one operators! How can you not think tier one operators are cool!?!? Come on, O P E R A T O R S!

  • Tofu_Lewis [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The wild thing is that Section 31 literally planned a genocidal biological campaign. ... That's what's great about DS9, it shows FALGSC communists compromising on their ideals to win a war and reveals the psychological toll it takes on them.

    It also shows how having an independent security service may seem appealing - slick suits, super brain shit - but ultimately, the tool undermines everything the project has accomplished.

    EDIT: If your ideology is sound, the community should be all the intelligence service you need.

    EDIT to the EDIT: The above edit is operating under the assumption that global communism has been achieved - no state, no intelligence service.

    • LeninWeave [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      EDIT: If your ideology is sound, the community should be all the intelligence service you need.

      I'm not sure about this take. Intelligence is necessary - look at Cuba and the US. They've had several double agents in CIA operations that helped foil them, saving Cuban lives and possibly the revolution.

      You definitely don't want an intelligence agency operating independently, though. That can lead to some whack shit.

      • Tofu_Lewis [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yeah you're right - that take is premised on a "global communism achieved" kinda scenario.

        • LeninWeave [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          Yeah, that's fair. Global communism means no state, so no intelligence agencies is completely consistent.