Don’t tell Stefan molyneux
Casually bragging on twitter about being from a family straight out of old union caricatures of capitalist monopolies.
I love how these stories get more and more bizarre depending on how many generations removed the teller is.
My great grandfather supplied the entire country with funko pops until the evil communists came
My great great grandma was the purveyor of every single dildo in North Korea, until the state mandated that they all be injection-moulded into the shape of Kim Il-Sung's pecker at state facilities instead. She fled to the US with nothing, not a single dildo.
How can you have a monopoly on eggs? We're there chicken police?
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch" was an ancient Chinese proverb until nobody had any use for it anymore
such a hardship to her family, lucky she still has a high paid job in bougie La Jolla despite having no fucking self-awareness
I'm built different and derive happiness from seeing your Hillary Clinton as Daenarys Targaryen stuff, but this one should bring happiness to everyone, right? I mean, we won! Communism took away everything!
Lol she deleted the egg post but not the rest of the subsequent posts in her sob story. The absolute state of these people
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
monopoly on eggs
There's a fucked story in that claim, without a doubt.
It's just a bit. No way anyone would ever even try and do a monopoly on eggs across a giant country run by warlords
Oh dang looks like thats the only tweet in the thread she deleted lol
Smh I hope they at least managed to keep some of his eggs :deeper-sadness: