DerScheisser is a great meme sub if you just want to dunk on Wehraboos and Neonazis, but is still predominantly shitlib. It literally bans anyone who says anything positive about the USSR beyond "they killed Nazis". Really goes to show you that Liberals would go through the Weimar motions that put the Nazis in power in the first place again in a heartbeat so long as they stop the commies in the process.

EDIT: Late link.

Also, oh dear fucking god just end me.

  • LeninWeave [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Something worse than Hitler... a Communist Germany.

    These fuckin "crypto"-nazis are about as subtle as a brick to the head. :honecker-interesting:

  • UncleJoe [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Liberals have learned nothing from history

    How much you wanna bet they refuse to criticize the Weimar Republic because it would mean liberal democracy is not flawless, which would shatter their worldview

    • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      A lot of liberals subconsciously see learning history as redundant. They remain glued to the day's headlines, plodding through life as a stream of consciousness, as opposed to principled leftists who often spend even more time studying history than they do following the minutia of daily events.

      Who needs history when you've got abstract ideals which can be applied to any situation? It doesn't matter what the conditions are, you just gotta keep pushing that "liberty and justice for all" button. Authoritarianism bad, civil liberties good. Violence bad, rule of law good. Dual power bad, voting good. The context never matters. The historical origins and track record of these institutions never matters.

      Short of historical academics, Liberals probably don't even have a passing familiarity with that the Wiemar Republic was. The only reflection they have to offer is that they didn't push the civil liberties and rule of law buttons hard enough.

  • Sklorp [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Also. Before I forgot, and because I just read an actual book on this: The SDP Freikorps alliance did not arise out of the Spartacist uprising., or any other kind of move by the left. The alliance was made in anticipation of and to counter the possibility of any left agitation. The freikorps became the violent and fascist organisations they are known as directly under the supervision of Noske. The plan was always to have fascist paramilitary death squads undergirding the social democratic regime

    (Which of course is funny when you remember that the freikorps leadership would all side either with the Nazis, or in isolated cases merely call for the overthrow of the Republic.)

    • Sklorp [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Also also. And i cannot stress this enough. The 1918 post revolutionary SDPgovernment were not elected and did not gain power through popular legitimacy. The uprisings in 1918 was led by workers, and none of their leaders or groups pointed to the democrats , indeed the social democratic leadership explicitly opposed both revolutionary worker groups and the occupation of the Reichstag. However Ebert was appointed chancellor by the sitting government as a sort of compromise, and immediately went to work subverting impromptu workers groups and revolutionary movements

      The Council of the People's Deputies was a sham from the start.

    • cokedupchavez [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      as i just researched in my black book post, the freikorps and friends got roughly 6500 german leftists and civilians dead, and over 3k in latvia dead too. they would then rebrand as nazis.

    • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
      3 years ago

      Can I ask for a good reading on this? I’m interested in reading more about it in depth beyond online articles and (pop) history shows.

      • Sklorp [she/her]
        3 years ago

        I read Robert Gerwarth's new book November 1918: The German Revolution

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Western liberals (and too many western leftists) basically just aspire to be the SPD. Terrible.

    • LeninWeave [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Nowadays, most western "leftists" at any given moment are well to the right of the 1920s SPD.

      • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
        3 years ago

        Given how the SPD originally split over the party's position on WWI, a blatantly imperialist endeavor, and many "Leftists" were quick to bash Cuba during the failed Color Revolution to show to libs that they weren't "Authoritarian", this is more accurate than it needs to be.

  • Sklorp [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Liberal Germans commenting on the political revolution of 1918 before 1919 were seriously ecstatic, like they were all like "Holy fuck we did it, we did a revolution. And ours is so much better than anyone else's because it took like a day. Fuck we're great. This literally can't go wrong"

    • Sklorp [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Like a sudden driving windstorm, the greatest of all revolution has toppled the imperial regime together with all it comprised, from top to bottom. One can call it the greatest of all revolution since never before was such a solidly built and well placed Bastille taken at one go. Yesterday morning in Berlin everything was still here. Yesterday afternoon all of it had vanished.

      • Sklorp [she/her]
        3 years ago

        The leadership's of the SPD were essentially just handed power by the militsry government as a way to shift blame and as a way to satisfy the revolutionarieis, and had opposed revolution from the start.

        Many of the people who carried out the revolution were members or supporters of the SPD or USPD (The KPD only became a thing in 1919), and their actions were revolutionary

        The leaders of non social democratic parties were very much not in charge in 1918 and they were very upset about it, but being libs they awaited the upcoming 1919 election as the social democrats kept doing shit without asking anyone fuming.

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Because this is what "proletarian democracy" leads to

    no stop not that please

    • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
      3 years ago

      The sub bans all "Tankies" (ie. Actual Marxists) so the "accepted" view is that the USSR was a totalitarian hellhole only marginally better than the Nazis, and was bound to be one from the start.

      • LeninWeave [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        I actually prefer that to the shitlibs that talk about a "right-wing coup" led by Lenin. :chompsky:

      • LeninWeave [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        It would have gone differently, but not because of that. Germany was an advanced industrial nation. The USSR didn't choose to be a feudal backwater with all of "western civilization" immediately invading and trying to destroy them, and the fact that that happened is what shaped the entirety of their existence.

      • richietozier4 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Not to mention, if the German Revolution had succeeded, the USSR would have been less “authoritarian” since they had more room to breathe

      • Sklorp [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Especially because the luxembourgian faction of the KPD split from the rest of the party over supporting the USSR line and joined up with the USPD to form the SAPD who were democratic socialists.