Answer with the most upbears will be deemed the one true leftist on hexbear

Edit: what the fuck there's no more upbears what is this reddit

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I never said any society was primitive. I don't think any good Marxist would call a society primitive in a derogatory sense. When you talk about things like "primitive" accumulation and "primitive" capitalism, you aren't talking about a lower form of society or people, but a precursor form of something to come.

    As certain conditions are met, new forms of organization naturally occur. Driven primarily through the existence and distribution of surplus. Surplus grain means either more leisure time for the farmers, or the formation of a non-farming population that manages the surplus (early government/kingdom).

    Primitive accumulation is just the early stages of what we know now as private property, primitive capitalism/mercantilism was the early stage of financial capital, workshops the primitive form of industrial capital. All of these develop inevitably into modern Imperial capitalism and each has its roots in a specific relationship to productive forces.