Absolutely nuts if you were raised Catholic/Christian, but in general it's fun horror schlock. A big improvement on The Haunting series the same crew did. The characters are actually interesting and not just annoying.

  • hollowmines [he/him]
    3 years ago



    it felt to me like flanagan's heart was in the first 5 episodes and the riley finn story, and I thought that even before I learned that he is pretty much explicitly flanagan's avatar within the show. (giving yourself a hunky avatar then killing yourself off in a moment of intense self-sacrifice....truly the lapsed catholic dream). katie siegel gives a beautiful performance but only riley and the priest are well-defined, so when riley is gone and these characters get sidelined, everything falls apart a bit, because the remaining cast is super underdeveloped. the cop subplot adds nothing but cringe and the doctor was yet another thankless annabeth gish role